面向南黄海中古生界复杂地质构造地震成像问题, 开展了声-弹耦合地震波传播理论、多次波压制与多次波成像、复杂构造速度建模与地震成像方法与技术等方面的研究。形成的Marchenko自由表面多次波预测、最小二乘基准面延拓重建一次反射波、初至波层析成像、立体层析成像、各向同性与VTI介质声-弹耦合方程弹性波逆时偏移成像等方法技术已在南黄海实际地震数据处理中获到了应用, 取得初步的应用效果。已在国内外专业外期刊上发表研究论文17篇(其中9篇发表在Geophysics、Geophysical Journal International、Geophysical Prospectin等国际专业期刊上), 发表SEG、EAGE等国际会议论文8篇,获计算机软件著作权登记证书12项。项目负责人作为召集人主办国际学术会议1次、国内学术会议2次, 应邀在国际学术会议上做特邀报告2次。项目组成员参加国际学术交流21次。培养8名博士研究生、10名硕士研究毕业, 2名博士后出站。项目负责人获国务院政府特殊津贴、bat365在线平台十三五科研工作先进个人。
1) 提出了各向同性介质和VTI介质中的声-弹耦合地震波传播方程,实现了声波与弹性波耦合传播,为海洋地震勘探数据处理提供新方法与新途径奠定了理论基础。
用声-弹耦合地震波传播方程进行地震波传播数值模拟、成像与反演具有四个方面的优点: ①能自动处理固体与流体边界条件,避免单独使用声波方程处理流体、弹性波方程处理固体,同时需要用位移与应力连续边界条件处理流-固边界带来计算上的麻烦; ②由于声-弹耦合方程中含有压力项,可用于地震波场张量延拓和标量延拓, 因此, 对海底地震数据可同时利用四个分量地震记录进行地震波逆时偏移成像, 有效压制地震波场逆时外推过程中产生的非物理波, 从而压制偏移成像噪音, 提高地震成像质量;同时,还可直接利用拖缆地震数据(压力记录)实现弹性波成像; ③当前工业界已开展海面拖缆与海底四分量地震联合采集, 由于声-弹耦合方程中含有压力项, 为同时利用海面拖缆与海底四分量地震数据开展联合偏移成像与反演提供了理论基础; ④对于弱VTI介质地震成像与反演, 在利用声-弹耦合方程进行波场延拓过程中, 可直接计算压力场(拟声波场), 避免了拟声波场分离额外计算, 减少了计算量, 大大方便了弱VTI介质拟声波地震成像与反演。
●各向同性介质中声-弹耦合方程如下(Yu et al, 2016; Yu et al; 2018):
图1 两种方程模拟得到的波场快照。(a)速度-应力弹性波方程模拟的质点速度水平分量;(b)声-弹耦合方程模拟的质点速度水平分量;(c)速度-应力弹性波方程模拟的质点速度垂直分量;(d)声-弹耦合方程模拟的质点速度垂直分量;(e)利用Helmholtz分解得到的P波场;(f)利用声-弹耦合方程模拟的压力场。
●VTI介质中声-弹耦合方程如下(Yu et al, 2016; Yu and Geng; 2019):
图2 三维均匀VTI介质中波场快照。(a)正应力x-分量, (b)正应力y-分量,
(c)正应力z-分量, (d)VTI介质声-弹耦合方程合成压力场。
2) 提出了基于Marchenko理论的自由表面多次波预测方法,实现了一次反射波与多次波联合成像
Marchenko方法是一种纯数据驱动的方法, 通过Marchenko迭代方程,重构虚拟观测面上、下行波格林函数,利用上、下行波格林函数,基于地震干涉理论, 实现了各阶自由表面多次波预测(He and Geng, 2022), 同时, 基于相关成像条件, 实现了一次波与多次波联合成像。
图3 南黄海某二维地震测线叠加剖面。(a)压制自由表面多次波前,(b)Marchenko方法压制多次波后。
3) 提出了基于声-弹耦合方程的弹性波逆时偏移成像方法
基于声-弹耦合方程, 实现了海底四分量地震数据张量外推, 从而有效压制偏移噪音, 提高弹性波成像质量(Yu et al, 2016)。同时, 利用拖缆数据进行标量外推, 实现拖缆数据的弹性波成像。基于矢量分解, 利用声-弹耦合方程实现弹性矢量波成像, 自动克服PS波的极性反转问题, 提高了PS成像质量(Yu et al; 2018)。基于VTI介质声-弹耦合方程, 实现了弱各向异性介质中的拟声波成像(Yu et al, 2016; Yu and Geng; 2019)。
图4 南黄海复杂地质构造模型。(a)纵波速度模型,(b)密度模型。
图5 南黄海复杂地质构造模型弹性矢量波逆时偏移成像。(a)PP波成像,(b)PS波成像。
图6 南黄海VTI介质声-弹耦合方程拟声波成像。(a)纵波速度模型,(b)ε模型,(c) δ模型,(d)拟声波逆时偏移成像剖面。
1) Minao Sun, Jizhong Yang, Liangguo Dong, Yuzhu Liu and Chao Huang, Density reconstruction in multiparameter elastic full-waveform inversion, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2017, 14(6): 1445–1462.
2) 邵炜栋, 杨锴, 邢逢源, 熊凯, 薛颖飞, 慢度平方三角网格立体层析反演方法, 地球物理学报, 2017, 60(9): 3574-3586.
3) 耿建华, 朱伟林, 高顺莉, 张敏强, 基于地震模拟数据分析的南黄海前新生代地震成像问题与对策探讨, 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2018, 38(3):35-44.
4) Pengfei Yu, Jianhua Geng, and Jiqiang Ma, Vector-wave-based elastic reverse time migration of ocean-bottom 4C seismic data, Geophysics, 2018, 83(4):S333-S343.
5) Tengfei Wang, Jiubing Cheng, Qiang Guo and Chenlong Wang, Elastic wave-equation-based reflection kernel analysis and traveltime inversion using wave mode decomposition, Geophysical Journal International, 2018, 215(1):450-470.
6) Kai Yang, Wei-Dong Shao, Feng-Yuan Xing and Kai Xiong, Stereotomography in triangulated models, Geophysical Journal International, 2018, 214(2):1018-1040.
7) Liangguo Dong, Zhongyi Fan, Hongzhi Wang, Benxin Chi and Yuzhu Liu, Correlation-based reflection waveform inversion by one-way wave equations, Geophysical Prospecting, 2018, 66(8): 1503-1520.
8) 王潇, 杨锴, 基于二维VTI拟声波程函方程的椭圆各向异性立体层析反演, 地球物理学报, 2018, 61(12): 4954-4964.
9) Minao Sun, Liangguo Dong, Jizhong Yang, Chao Huang, and Yuzhu Liu, Elastic least-squares reverse time migration with density variations, Geophysics, 2018, 83(6): S533-S547.
10) Pengfei Yu and Jianhua Geng, Acoustic-elastic coupled equations in vertical transverse isotropic media for pseudoacoustic-wave reverse time migration of ocean-bottom 4C seismic data, Geophysics, 2019, 84(4): S317-S327.
11) 张力起, 杨锴, 邢逢源, 李振伟, 倪瑶, 地层格架正则化约束下的二维立体层析反演, 地球物理学报, 2019, 62(2): 634-647.
12) Jizhong Yang, Yuzhu Liu, Yunyue Elita Li, Arthur Cheng, Liangguo Dong, and Yue Du, Joint least-squares reverse time migration of primary and prismatic waves, Geophysics, 2019, 84(1): S29-S40.
13) 刘鑫池, 耿建华, 一次反射波与自由表面多次波联合偏移成像: 模拟数据分析, 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2019, 39(4): 174-182.
14) Yingying Wang, Benfeng Wang, Ning Tu, and Jianhua Geng, Seismic trace interpolation for irregularly spatial sampled data using convolutional autoencoder, Geophysics, 2020, 85(2): V119-V130.
15) 陈宝书, 杨锴, 汪小将, 基于两步弥散算子的共反射面元射线束成像方法研究, 地球物理学报, 2020, 63(1): 217-286.
16) Yuzhu Liu, Weigang Liu, Jizhong Yang, and LiangguoDong, Extracting angle domain common image gather with variable density acoustic-wave equation, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2021, 18(2): 192-199.
17) Wenjun He, Jianhua Geng, Elimination of free-surface related multiples by combining Marchenko scheme and seismic interferometry, Geophysics, 2022, 87(3).
1) C.L. Wang, W. Weibull, J.B. Cheng, B. Arntsen, Automatic Shear-wave Velocity Analysis with Elastic Reverse Time Migration, 79th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2017, 2017.06.12-15, Paris, France.
2) T. Wang, J.B. Cheng, Q. Guo, C.L. Wang, Elastic Wave-Equation Reflection Traveltime Inversion Using Dynamic Warping and Wave Mode Decomposition, 79th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2017, 2017.06.12-15, Paris, France.
3) Tengfei Wang and Jiubing Cheng, Born reflection kernel analysis and wave equation reflection traveltime inversion in elastic media, SEG International Exposition and 87th Annual Meeting, 2017.09.24-29, Houston, USA.
4) Chenlong Wang, Jiubing Cheng, Wiktor Waldemar Weibull, and Børge Arntsen, Analysis of converted-wave extended images for shear-velocity estimation with wave-mode decoupling, SEG International Exposition and 87th Annual Meeting, 2017.09.24-29, Houston, USA.
5) Feng yuan Xing, Kai Yang, Liqi Zhang, Edge preserving stereotomography, SEG International Exposition and 87th Annual Meeting, 2017.09.24-29, Houston, USA.
6) Xiao Wang, Kai Yang, Guang-yi Chen, Anisotropic stereotomography based on the 2D quasi-acoustic eikonal equation for VTI media, 80th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2018, 2018.06.11-14, Copenhagen, Denmark.
7) B.F. Wang, N. Zhang, W.K. Lu, P. Zhang and J.H. Geng, Seismic Data Interpolation Using Deep Learning Based Residual Networks, 80th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2018, 2018.06.11-14, Copenhagen, Denmark.
8) Xi Shen, Kai Yang, Stereotomography in triangulated grids with slowness defined at the vertices, 82th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2020, 2020.12.8-10, Amsterdam, Netherland.
1) 于鹏飞, 耿建华, 程玖兵, 刘玉柱, 海底多分量地震数据弹性矢量波成像软件V1.0,2021SR1607429.
2) 于鹏飞, 耿建华, 程玖兵, 刘玉柱, VTI介质海底4C地震数据拟声波成像软件V1.0, 2021SR1792759.
3) 于鹏飞, 耿建华, 程玖兵, 刘玉柱, 基于解析的声弹耦合方程的弹性矢量波成像软件V1.0, 2021SR1792760.
4) 于鹏飞, 耿建华, 程玖兵, 刘玉柱, 拖缆与海底多分量地震数据联合弹性波成像软件V1.0, 2021SR1607428
5) 何文俊, 耿建华, 多次波匹配滤波软件V1.0, 2021SR0976275.
6) 何文俊, 耿建华, 基于Marchenko方程与地震干涉法的自由表面多次波预测软件V1.0, 2021SR0976276.
7) bat365在线平台(刘玉柱、王光银、宋亨利、耿建华), 基于TI介质拟声波方程初至波走时层析成像软件V1.0, 2021SR0931106.
8) bat365在线平台(刘玉柱、王光银、宋亨利、耿建华), 基于TI介质拟声波方程波形反演软件V1.0, 2021SR0931089.
9) bat365在线平台(王腾飞, 程玖兵), 三维TI介质逆时偏移成像并行软件V1.0, 2021SR0931071.
10) bat365在线平台(程玖兵, 王腾飞), 地震波原位三维方向响应成像软件V1.0, 2020SR0318265.
11) bat365在线平台(武泗海, 王腾飞, 程玖兵, 耿建华) , 基于曙光E级计算平台的三维逆时偏移成像软件V1.0, 2021SR0931057.
12) bat365在线平台(邹鹏, 程玖兵), 三维任意各向异性介质地震波传播模拟软件V1.0, 2021SR0931056.
1) 高分辨率速度建模和局部角度域地震成像与反演国际学术研讨会; 主办单位: 海洋地质国家重点实验室(bat365在线平台)、bat365在线平台、帕拉代姆技术有限公司; 2017.11.09-10; 中国上海市。
2) 人工智能与地球科学; 主办单位: 海洋地质国家重点实验室(bat365在线平台)、bat365在线平台海洋于地球科学学院; 2017.05.10-11; 上海市。
3) 京沪地球物理联盟2020学术研论会; 主办单位: 北京地球物理学会、上海市地球物理学会; 2020.10.14-15; 西藏林芝市。
1) J. Yang, J. Geng and L. Zhao, Seismic reflection dispersion resulting to wave-induced fluid flow in patchy saturated rocks, 2017 CGS/SEG International Geophysical Conference, 2017.04.17-20, Qingdao, China.
2) Pengfei Yu, Jianhua Geng, Vector-decomposition-based acoustic-elastic coupled equation for OBS data V-ERTM, 2017 SEG International Geophysical Conference, 2017.04.17-20, Qingdao, China.
3) Jiubing Cheng; Wencai Xu; Tengfei Wang, Elastic model low-to-intermediate wavenumber inversion using reflection traveltime and waveform of multicomponent seismic data, The 2nd NUS Upstre am Petroleum Research Initiative (NUPRI) Workshop, 2018.05.17-18, Singapore.
4) Jianhua Geng, Quantitative Seismic Characterization: Model-driven and Data-driven, 2018 SEG Reservoir Geophysics, 2018.08.05-07, Daqing, China.
5) Peien Han,Liangguo Dong, First-arrival traveltime tomography based on the adjoint state method with independence of surface normal vectors, 81th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2019, 2019.06.03-06, London, England.
6) Jianhua Geng, Imaging of ocean bottom 4-C seismic data by elastic wave reverse time migration, 2019 SEG 3rd International Workshop on Mathematical Geophysics: Traditional vs Learning, 2019.11.05-07, Beijing, China.
7) Xiao Wang, Kai Yang, 2020 Anisotropic stereotomography based on the 3D quasi-acoustic eikonal equation for TTI media, SPG/SEG Nanjing 2020 International Geophysical Conference, 2020.09.14-15, Nanjing, China.
8) Wei-wei Gu, Feng-yuan Xing, Dong Xue, Xiao Wang, Kai Yang, 3D stereotomography preconditioned by an image guided smoothing filter: from isotropic media to anisotropic media, SPG/SEG Nanjing 2020 International Geophysical Conference, 2020.09.14-15, Nanjing, China.
9) Jiangming Zhang, Jianhua Wang,Liangguo Dong,A first arrival multi-information joint inversion method based on wave-equation for near surface velocity model building, SEG International Exposition and 90th Annual Meeting, 2020.10.11-16, Houston, USA.
10) Shuai Sun, Junguang Nie, Zhipeng Qu, Yuanfeng Cheng, Xingmou Wang, Jianbing Zhu, Jianhua Geng, Oil saturation estimation and uncertainty evaluation by modeling-data-driven Gaussian mixture conditional generative adversarial networks, 2021 International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, 2021.09.26-10.1, Denver, USA.
11) Jiangming Zhang, Liangguo Dong, Preconditioned transmission reflection joint traveltime tomography with adjoint state method for subsurface velocity modeling building, 83th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2021, 2021.10.18-21, Houston, USA.
12) Shuai Sun, Jianhua Geng, Pre-stack AVO Attributes Inversion Using Convolutional Neural Network, 83th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2021, 2021.10.18-21, Amsterdam, Netherland.
13) Wenjun He, Jianhua Geng, Sea-surface-related multiples prediction using Marchenko scheme, SEG 4th mathematical Geophysics: Traditional vs Learning, 2021.12.17-19, Beijing.
1) 毕业博士研究生:孙敏傲、张博、杨靖康、徐文才、王莹莹、牛丽萍、刘学义、何文俊。
2) 毕业硕士研究生:张炜、李勇德、王鸿志、周嘉欣、邵炜栋、刘鑫池、于洋、阮伦、韩佩恩、刑逢源。
3) 出站博士后:于鹏飞、付晓伟。
1) 国务院政府特殊津贴, 耿建华, 2020。
2) bat365在线平台“十三五”科研工作先进个人, 耿建华, 2020。