


wanghu @ tongji.edu.cn


  • 教育背景




  • 工作经历

    2008.10-至今   bat365在线平台,讲师,副教授,教授



  • 教学与科研成果








    (1)西太平洋劳盆地火山岛弧热液羽流区铜同位素组成及其演化(编号:42376066),2024.1-2027.12,国家自然科学基金项目, 51万元, 负责人。

    (2)国家重点研发计划“深海勇士号能力提升及科学应用”,项目编号2022YFC2805504, 2022.12-2026.11,200万元,课题负责人。





    (7)西南印度洋洋中脊热液成矿过程与硫化物矿区预测(编号:2012CB417300),2012.1-2016.12,国家重点基础研究发展计划(973 计划),3600万,参与。





    (1)Ju A, Wang H, Wang L and Weng Y. Application of machine learning algorithms for prediction of ultraviolet absorption spectra of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in seawater. Front. Mar. Sci., 2023, 10: 1065123.

    (2)Wang H, Wang W, Liu M, et al. Iron ligands and isotopes in hydrothermal plumes over backarc volcanoes in the Northeast Lau Basin, Southwest Pacific Ocean, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2022, 336: 341-352.

    (3)Wang H, Resing J A, Yan Q, et al. The characteristics of Fe speciation and Fe-binding ligands in the Mariana back-arc hydrothermal plumes, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2021, 292: 24-36.

    (4)Wang H, Ju A, Wang L. Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Detection of Nitrate and Nitrite in Seawater Simultaneously Based on Partial Least Squares. Molecules 2021, 26, 3685.

    (5)Wang H, Yan Q, Yang Q, et al. The size fractionation and speciation of iron in the Longqi hydrothermal plumes on the Southwest Indian Ridge, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2019,124: 4029-4043.

    (6)Wang H, Zhou H, Yang Q, Marvin Lilley, Wu J, Ji F. Development and application of a gas chromatography method for simultaneously measuring H2 and CH4 in hydrothermal plume samples. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 2015,13: 722-730.

    (7)Wang H, Yang Q, Ji F, Lilley M D, Zhou H. The geochemical characteristics and Fe(II) oxidation kinetics of hydrothermal plumes at Southwest Indian Ridge. Marine Chemistry, 2012,134: 29-35.

    (8)Wang H, Zhou H Y, Peng X T, Yang Q H, Qin C M, Yin X J, Chen G Q. Denitrification in Qi’ao Island coastal zone, the Pearl River Estuary, China. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2009, 28: 37-46.

    (9)Li J, Yang J, Sun M, Su L, Wang H, Gao J, Bai J. Distribution and succession of microbial communities along the dispersal pathway of hydrothermal plumes on the Southwest Indian Ridge. Front. Mar. Sci., 2020, 7: 581381.

    (10)Zhao Y, Xu T, Law Y S, Feng D, Li N, Xin R, Wang H, Ji F, Zhou H, Qiu J. Ecological characterization of cold-seep epifauna in the South China Sea. Deep-Sea Research, I, 2020, 163: 103361.

    (11)Ji F, Zhou H, Yang Q, Gao H, Wang H, Lilley M D. Geochemistry of hydrothermal vent fluids and its implications for subsurface processes at the active Longqi hydrothermal field, Southwest Indian Ridge. Deep-Sea Res. Part 1-Oceanographic Research Papers, 2017, 122: 41-47.

    (12)Pan A, Yang Q, Zhou H, Ji F, Wang H, Pancost R D. A diagnostic GDGT signature for the impact of hydrothermal activity on surface deposits at the Southwest Indian Ridge. Organic Geochemistry, 2016, 99: 90-101.

    (13)Zhou H, Yin X, Yang Q, Wang H, Wu Z, Bao S. Distribution, source and flux of methane in the western Pearl River Estuary and northern South China Sea. Marine Chemistry, 2009, 117: 21-31.

    (14)Yin X, Zhou H, Yang Q, Wang H, Chen J. The evidence for the existence of methane seepages in the northern South China Sea: abnormal high methane concentrations in bottom waters, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2008, 27: 62-70.

    (15)Sun Z, Zhou H, Yang Q, Yin X, Wang H, Yao H, Dong C. Growth model of a hydrothermal low-temperature Si-rich chimney: Example from the CDE hydrothermal field, Lau Basin. Science China-Earth Sciences, 2012, 55: 1716-1730.

    (16)Zhou H, Wang H, Wu Z, Peng X, Ren D, Huang D, Ma W. Spatial and Temporal Physical and Chemical Variation Monitoring in Tengchong ReHai Hot Spring Field, Yunnan Province, China. 11th International Conference on Thermophiles Research, Abstract, 2011.

    (17)刘美彤,王虎. 热液羽流中铁形态及其同位素特征,地球科学进展,2022,37: 798-810.

    (18)王虎, 杨群慧, 季福武, 周怀阳, 薛翔. 二维气相色谱法分析天然气水合物区沉积物间隙水中示踪气体的浓度,色谱,2011,29:70-74。

    (19)周怀阳, 王虎. 一所独特而令人深省的海洋研究机构:蒙特利湾海湾研究所(MBARI). 地球科学进展,2011,26:662-668。



    (1)王虎, 鞠奥博, 马骏, 刘洋, 周怀阳, 杨群慧, 季福武, 田力, 刘美彤.一种光学法检测海水中硝酸盐浓度的前处理方法,2020-08-07,发明专利,ZL202010788277.0.

    (2)王虎, 马骏, 周怀阳, 杨群慧, 季福武, 闫巧洋, 刘美彤. 顺序注射-荧光法测定水样中铁的装置和方法, 2019-11-22, 发明专利,CN201911155932.2.

    (3)王虎, 周怀阳, 杨群慧, 季福武, 闫巧洋. 一种同时分析海水中溶解态气体H2/O2/N2/CH4顶空气相色谱系统和方法, 2018-12-26, 发明专利, CN201811600621.8.

    (4)王虎, 杨群慧, 周怀阳, 季福武. 一种可实现H2/CH4/CO2/H2S同时捕集的低温捕集装置及方法, 2011-06-22, 发明专利, ZL 200910056350.9.

    (5)王虎, 任德章, 周怀阳. 一种可同时实现水中多种阴离子的高灵敏度测试方法, 2013-05-01, 发明专利, ZL 201010590252.6.

    (6)杨群慧, 王虎, 周怀阳, 季福武. 海洋示踪气H2/CH4/CO2/H2S多维色谱分析方法及系统, 2011-12-07, 发明专利, ZL 200910056349.6.

    (7)程思海, 王飞, 何赵, 杨天邦, 王虎, 陈晨, 王金莲, 孙程. 海洋或者湖泊底部沉积物中的甲烷梯度测量系统, 2018-02-09, 发明专利, CN 201721199192.9.

    (8)季福武, 米智楠, 杨群慧, 周怀阳, 王虎, 杨标, 韦婧, 金璐. 一种具备自清洗功能可用于原位海水过滤的装置及其使用方法, 2016-04-06,发明专利,ZL201410675652.5.

    (9)季福武, 周怀阳; 杨群慧; 王虎; 孙宝石; 韦婧; 一种柱塞式高温高压热液实验装置, 2016-04-06, 发明专利, ZL201410676211.7.

    (10)周怀阳, 吴正伟, 季福武, 王虎, 叶志坚. 分体式水下输运装置, 2013-01-02, 发明专利, ZL 201220154898.4.





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