


ylguo @ tongji.edu.cn


  • 教育背景

    2014.09-2018.09 bat365在线平台博士(海洋科学)

    2011.09-2014.06 bat365在线平台硕士(第四纪地质学)

    2007.09-2011.06 bat365在线平台学士(地质学)

  • 工作经历



  • 教学及科研成果









    Yulong Guo, Shouye Yang, Ni Su, Chao Li, Ping Yin, and Zhongbo Wang. 2018. Revisiting the effects of hydrodynamic sorting and sedimentary recycling on chemical weathering indices. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 227: 48-63. (中科院分区一区, IF=5.01)

    Yulong Guo, Chao Li, Chenyu Wang, Juan Xu, Chenyang Jin, and Shouye Yang. 2021. Sediment Routing and Anthropogenic Impact in the Huanghe River Catchment, China: An Investigation Using Nd Isotopes of River Sediments. Water Resources Research, 57(9): e2020WR028444. (中科院分区一区, IF=5.24)

    Yulong Guo, Shouye Yang, and Kai Deng. 2021. Disentangle the hydrodynamic sorting and lithology effects on sediment weathering signals. Chemical Geology, 586: 120607.  (中科院分区二区, IF=4.01)

    Yulong Guo, Shouye Yang, Chao Li, Lei Bi, and Yun Zhao. 2017. Sediment recycling and indication of weathering proxies. Acta Geochimica, 36(3): 498-501.

    郭玉龙, 杨守业, 苏妮, 印萍, 王中波, 2018. 中国东南入海河流沉积物的稀土元素地球化学特征. 海洋地质与第四纪地质(1), 139-149.


    Reliable determination of SiO2 concentrations in sediments via sequential leaching and ICP-OES/MS analysis. Juan Xu, Yulong Guo*, Shouye Yang, Simon V. Hohl, Wen Zhang. 2022. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. (已接收,in press)


    Yulong Guo, Shouye Yang, Yalong Li and Kai Deng. A new proxy for quantifying the extent of sedimentary recycling. Planned submission to GCA or Chemical Geology


    Kai Deng, Shouye Yang, Yulong Guo, 2022. A global temperature control of silicate weathering intensity. Nature Communications, 13(1): 1781.

    Chengfan Yang, Ergang Lian, Yulong Guo, Fang Cao, Juan Xu, Shouye Yang, 2022. Geochemical perspective on large dams changing the downstream sediment sources. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 240: 107050.

    Fangliang Li, Shouye Yang, Daniel O Breecker, Evan J Ramos, Xiangtong Huang, Zongqi Duan, Yulong Guo, Chao Li, and Xi Mei. 2022. Responses of silicate weathering intensity to the Pliocene-Quaternary cooling in East and Southeast Asia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 578: 117301.

    Fang Cao, Shouye Yang, Chengfan Yang, Yulong Guo, Lei Bi, and Yuze Li. 2021. Using lithium isotopes to quantitatively decode continental weathering signal: A case study in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary. Science China Earth Sciences, 64(10): 1698-1708.

    Shengping Qian, Alexander RL Nichols, Le Zhang Yigang Xu, Jie Li, Yulong Guo, and Zhongyuan Ren. 2020. The mantle transition zone hosts the missing HIMU reservoir beneath eastern China. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(9): e2020GL087260.

    Ni Su, Shouye Yang, Yulong Guo, Wei Yue, Xiaodan Wang, Ping Yin, and Xiangtong Huang.2017. Revisit of rare earth element fractionation during chemical weathering and river sediment transport. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems.

    Bi, Lei, Shouye Yang, Chao Li, Yulong Guo, Quan Wang, James T Liu, and Ping Yin. 2015. Geochemistry of river‐borne clays entering the East China Sea indicates two contrasting types of weathering and sediment transport processes. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 16(9): 3034-3052.

    Shao, Hebin, Shouye Yang, Quan Wang, and Yulong Guo. 2015. Discriminating hydrothermal and terrigenous clays in the Okinawa Trough, East China Sea: Evidences from mineralogy and geochemistry. Chemical Geology, 398: 85-96.

    Nicholas Chia Wei, Chao Li, Chenyu Wang, Yulong Guo, Zhifei Duan, Ni Su, Shouye Yang, 2022. A review of global bedrock (234U/238U) disequilibrium and its controlling factors on earth's surface. Journal of Geochemical Exploration: 107144.

    利用铀同位素破碎年代学方法示踪流域侵蚀深度变化的原理、应用和前景, 徐洪敏,李超,段知非,郭玉龙,杨守业. 中国科学: D 辑(已接收,in press)

    树脂柱串联法分离地质样品中Sr-Nd-U, 骆正骅,李超,赖正,王晨羽,郭玉龙,段知非,徐娟,杨守业. 2022(41): 1-10.

    马松阳,李超,王晨羽,郭玉龙,段知非,杨守业.两种硅酸盐碎屑组分234U/238U 测试前处理方法的比较及启示.2021. 矿物岩石地球化学通报. Vol. 40(in press)

    苏妮, 毕磊, 郭玉龙, 杨守业. 木兰溪河口及邻近海域表层沉积物稀土元素组成与物源判别. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,2018(1): 150-159.

    吴舟扬, 杨守业, 苏妮, 郭玉龙, 毕磊. 椒江沉积物的重金属分布特征及环境评价. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,2018(1): 96-107.


    长江口-浙闽沿岸-东海航次12次:包括基金委长江口-东海共享航次(2012年3月、9月, 2013年3月、8-9月, 2014年8月,2015年9月)、课题组组织长江口、东海、浙闽沿岸航次(2011年8月, 2014年8月,2015年9月,2016年3月、8-9月)、课题组组织小河流河口综合采样观测(2014年1-2月)





    王晨羽,硕士生,2019年6月毕业,论文题目《LGM 以来台湾浊水溪河口沉积物“粉碎年龄”演化及其环境意义》





    Guo, Y.L., Yang, S.Y, Li, C.,2020. Nd isotope fingerprinting reveals anthropogenic impact on the sediment routing processes in the Huanghe catchment. Goldschmidt 2020(Online quick presentation)

    Guo, Y.L., Yang, S.Y, 2019. Large fractionations of REE compositions observed in the Sediments from Small Rivers Draining Southeast China. AGU 2019(美国旧金山,展板报告)

    Guo, Y.L., Yang, S.Y, Li, C., Bi, L., Zhao, Y. 2017, Sediment recycling and indication of weathering proxies, The 11th International Symposium on Geochemistry of the Earth’s Surface (GES-11)(中国贵阳,展板报告)

    Guo, Y.L., Yang, S.Y., Li, C., 2017, Sr-Nd isotopes contrain the quaternary evolution of Huanghe (Yellow River) sediment routing system, Goldschmidt 2017(法国巴黎,展板报告)

    Guo, Y.L., Yang, S.Y., Su, N., Bi, L., Zhao, Y., 2015, A reevaluation of grain size and hydronamic sorting effects on chemical weathering indices based on river sediment chemistry, 8th International Conference on Asian Marine Geology (ICAMG-8)(韩国济州,展板报告)
