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1.ROCCS (Establishing a Research Observatory to unlock European Coal seams for Carbon dioxide Storage)(编号:8993362020.9-2023.8,约1500万元,.欧盟煤炭和钢铁研究基金(RFCS),重要参与人

2.FLEXIS (Flexible Integrated Energy Systems)(编号:80835/80836)2016.5-2021.5, 威尔士欧洲基金办公室 (WEFO), 重要参与人


1.Wetzel, M.; Otto, C.; Chen, M.; Masum, S.; Thomas, H.; Urych, T.; Bezak, B.; Kempka, T. Hydromechanical Impacts of CO2 Storage in Coal Seams of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (Poland). Energies 2023, 16, 3279.

2.Chen, M., Masum, S. A., Thomas, H. R., 2023.Three-dimensional cleat scale modelling of gas transport processes in deformable fractured coal reservoirs. Gas Science and Engineering.

3.Masum, S., Sadasivam, S., Chen, M., and Thomas, H., 2023. Low Subcritical CO2 Adsorption–Desorption Behavior of Intact Bituminous Coal Cores Extracted from a Shallow Coal Seam. Langmuir.

4.Shakil Masum, Min Chen, Hywel Thomas. Numerical modelling of CO2 sequestration in coal-seams based on a parallel hybrid discrete fracture and dual porosity model. In International Society for Porous Media Conference (InterPore2022).

5.Chen, M., Masum, S. A., Sadasivam, S., Thomas, H. R., & Mitchell, A. C., 2023. Modeling Gas Adsorption–Desorption Hysteresis in Energetically Heterogeneous Coal and Shale. Energy & Fuels.

6.Chen, M., Masum, S. and Thomas, H., 2022. 3D hybrid coupled dual continuum and discrete fracture model for simulation of CO2 injection into stimulated coal reservoirs with parallel implementation. International Journal of Coal Geology.

7.Chen, M., Masum, S., Sadasivam, S. and Thomas, H., 2022. Modelling anisotropic adsorption-induced coal swelling and stress-dependent anisotropic permeability. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences.

8.Masum, S.A., Chen, M., Hosking, L.J., Stańczyk, K., Kapusta, K. and Thomas, H.R., 2022. A numerical modelling study to support design of an in-situ CO2 injection test facility using horizontal injection well in a shallow-depth coal seam. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control.

9.Sadasivam, S., Masum, S., Chen, M., Stańczyk, K. and Thomas, H., 2022. Kinetics of Gas Phase CO2 Adsorption on Bituminous Coal from a Shallow Coal Seam. Energy & Fuels.

10.Chen, M., Masum, S. and Thomas, H., 2021. Modeling Adsorption and Transport behavior of Gases in Moist Coal Matrix. Energy & Fuels.

11.Chen, M., Masum, S. and Thomas, H., 2020. Modeling Non-isothermal Transport Behavior of Real Gas in Deformable Coal Matrix. Energy & Fuels.

12.Chen, M., Hosking, L.J., Sandford, R.J. and Thomas, H.R., 2020. A coupled compressible flow and geomechanics model for dynamic fracture aperture during carbon sequestration in coal. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.

13.Hosking, L.J., Chen, M.* and Thomas, H.R., 2020. Numerical analysis of dual porosity coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour during CO2 sequestration in coal. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences.

14.Chen, Min, Hosking, Lee J., Sandford, Richard J. and Thomas, Hywel R. 2020. Numerical analysis of improvements to CO2 injectivity in coal seams through stimulated fracture connection to the injection well. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.

15.Chen, M., Hosking, L.J., Sandford, R.J. and Thomas, H.R., 2019. Dual porosity modelling of the coupled mechanical response of coal to gas flow and adsorption. International Journal of Coal Geology.

16.Chen, M., Hosking, L.J. and Thomas, H.R., 2018, October. Non-isothermal Gas Flow During Carbon Sequestration in Coalbeds. In The 8th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics.

17.Thomas, H.R., Hosking, L.J., Sandford, R.J., Zagorščak, R., Chen, M. and An, N., 2018, October. Deep Ground and Energy: Carbon Sequestration and Coal Gasification. In The 8th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics.
