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1. 表层沉积物中铁矿物的相变过程;

2. 57Fe穆斯堡尔谱学在海洋与环境科学交叉研究中的应用;

3. 铁-碳交互作用机制耦合负碳技术研发。



1.Zhou, Z. *; Henkel, S.; Kasten, S; Holtappels, M. The iron “redox battery” in sandy sediments: Its impact on organic matter remineralization and phosphorus cycling. Science of The Total Environment, 2022.

2.Patzner, M. S., M. Logan, A. M. McKenna, R. B. Young, Zhou Z., H. Joss, C. W. Mueller, C. Hoeschen, T. Scholten, D. Straub, S. Kleindienst, T. Borch, A. Kappler & C. Bryce. Microbial iron cycling during palsa hillslope collapse promotes greenhouse gas emissions before complete permafrost thaw. Communications Earth & Environment, 2022

3.Zhou, Z.*; Latta, D.E.; Scherer, M.M. Natural organic matter inhibits Ni stabilization during Fe (II)-catalyzed ferrihydrite transformation. Science of The Total Environment, 2021.

4.Zhou, Z.*; Muehe, M; Tomaszewski, E.; Kappler, A.; Byrne, J. Effect of Natural Organic Matter on the Fate of Cadmium During Microbial Ferrihydrite Reduction. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020.

5.Chanda, P.; Zhou, Z.; Latta, D.E.; Scherer, M. M.Johnson, C. Effect of organic C on stable Fe isotope fractionation and isotope exchange kinetics between aqueous Fe (II) and ferrihydrite at neutral pH. Chemical Geology. 2020.

6.Notini, L.; Byrne J.; Tomaszewski, E.; Latta, D.; Zhou, Z., et al. Mineral Defects Enhance Bioavailability of Goethite toward Microbial Fe (III) Reduction. Environmental Science & Technology. 2019.

7.DeVore, C., Rodrigues-Freire, L.; Ducheneaux, C.; Zhou, Z., et al. Effect of bicarbonate and phosphate on arsenic release from mining-impacted sediments in the Cheyenne River watershed, South Dakota, USA. ESPI. 2019.

8.Zhou, Z.; Latta, D. E.; Naida, N.; Borch, T.; Thompson, A.; Scherer, M. M.*Fe(II)-catalyzed transformation of ferrihydrite-organic matter coprecipitates: A closer look using Fe isotopes. Environmental Science & Technology. 2018.

9.Zhou, Z.; Dai, C.; Zhang, Y. The Removal of Antimony by Novel NZVI-Zeolite: The Role of Iron Transformation. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2015.

10.Dai, C.; Zhou, Z.; Zhou, X.; Zhang, Y. Removal of Sb(III) and Sb(V) from aqueous solutions using nZVI. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2014.


已毕业研究生:硕士,Faith OrgenChristoph Reith
