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2. 利用高分辨率海洋孢粉记录重建氧同位素3期以来南海北部的陆地气候(41306039),2014.01-2016.12,26万,国家自然科学基金青年项目,负责人;

3. 末次盛冰期时南海北部的气候:基于栎属花粉的证据(163105),2016.05-2018.05,10万,南京古生物研究所古生物学与地层学国家重点实验室开放基金,负责人;

4. 东南亚大空间尺度表土植硅体分析及其环境指示意义研究(MGK202101),2021.01-2022.12,7万,bat365在线平台海洋地质国家重点实验室开放基金,负责人;

5. 长江三角洲地区第四纪孢粉分析与古环境重建,2016.12-2018.12,75.85万,中国地质调查局南京地调中心项目,负责人;

6. 宁德地区2018、2019年度孢粉分析与研究,2018.12-2020.01,26.4万,中国地质调查局南京地调中心项目,负责人;

7. 地质调查古地磁分析与化石鉴定,2020.10-2021.01,10万,中国地质调查局南京地调中心项目,负责人;

8. 浙江省沿海地区现代孢粉传播与沉积状况调查(ZX2016000318),2016.03-2021.3, 10万,宁波大学人才工程项目,负责人;



1. Dai, L., Bai,Y., Foong. S.Y., 2022. Implication of modern phytolith assemblages as a proxy for tropical forest reconstruction on Jerai Hill, Malaysia. Plant Systematics and Evolution, Under review.

2. Dai, L., Li, S. L., Yu, J.J., et al., 2021. Palynological evidence indicates the paleoclimate evolution in southeast China since late Marine Isotope Stage 5. Quaternary Science Reviews 266, 106964.

3. Dai, L., Hao, Q.H., Xue, J.B., Mao, L.M., 2019. Last Glacial Maximum, early Holocene and modern environments of the northern South China Sea region: Insight from SEM analysis of Oak (Quercus) pollen. Science of the Total Environment 691, 1065-1071.

4. Dai, L., Hao, Q.H., Mao, L.M., 2018. Morphological diversity of Quercus fossil pollen in the northern South China Sea during the last glacial maximum and its paleoclimatic implication. PLoS ONE 13(10): e0205246.

5. Dai, L., Weng, C.Y., 2015. Marine palynological record for tropical climate variations since the late Last Glacial Maximum in the northern South China Sea. Deep-Sea Research II 122, 153-162.

6. Dai, L., Weng, C.Y., Mao, L.M., 2015. Patterns of vegetation and climate change in the northern South China Sea during the last glaciation inferred from marine palynological records. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 440, 249-258.

7. Dai, L., Weng, C.Y., Lu, J., Mao, L.M., 2014. Pollen quantitative distribution in marine and fluvial surface sediments from the northern South China Sea: New insights into pollen transportation and deposition mechanisms. Quaternary International 325, 136-149.

8. Dai, L., Weng, C.Y., 2011. A survey on pollen dispersal in the western Pacific Ocean and its paleoclimatological significance as a proxy for variation of the Asian winter monsoon. Science China Earth Sciences 54, 249-258.
