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[1] Kong, M., Guo, Y., Alkhazragi, O., Sait, M., Kang, C. H., Ng, T. K., and Ooi, B. S., 2022. Real-time Optical-Wireless Video Surveillance System for High Visual-fidelity Underwater Monitoring. IEEE Photonics Journal.

[2] Guo, Y., Kong, M. (共同一作), Alkhazragi, O., Sait, M. A., Kang, C. H., Ashry, I., Yang, Q., Ng, T.K. and Ooi, B. S., 2022. Current Trend in Optical Internet of Underwater Things. IEEE Photonics Journal.

[3] Kong, M., Guo, Y., Sait, M., Alkhazragi, O., Kang, C. H., Ng, T. K., & Ooi, B. S., 2021. Toward automatic subsea operations using real-time underwater optical wireless sensor networks. IEEE Photonics Journal, 14(1), 1-8.

[4] (Invited) Kong, M., C.H., Kang, Sun, X., Guo, Y., Sait, M., Holguin-Lerma, J.A., Ng, T.K. and Ooi, B.S., 2020. Survey of energy-autonomous solar cell receivers for satellite–air–ground–ocean optical wireless communication. Progress in Quantum Electronics,pp.100300.

[5] Kong, M., Lin, J., Guo, Y., Sun, X., Sait, M., Alkhazragi, O., C.H., Kang, Holguin-Lerma, J.A., Kheireddine, M., Ouhssain, M., Jones B.H., Ng, T.K. and Ooi, B.S., 2020. AquaE-lite hybrid-solar-cell receiver-modality for energy-autonomous terrestrial and underwater Internet-of-Things. IEEE Photonics Journal, 12(4), pp.1-13.

[6] Holguin-Lerma, J.A., Kong, M. (共同一作), Alkhazragi, O., Sun, X., Ng, T.K. and Ooi, B.S., 2020. 480-nm distributed-feedback InGaN laser diode for 10.5-Gbit/s visible-light communication. Optics Letters, 45(3), pp.742-745.

[7] Kong, M., Lin, J., Kang, C.H., Shen, C., Guo, Y., Sun, X., Sait, M., Weng, Y., Zhang, H., Ng, T.K. and Ooi, B.S., 2019. Toward self-powered and reliable visible light communication using amorphous silicon thin-film solar cells. Optics Express, 27(24), pp.34542-34551.

[8] Kong, M., Chen, Y., Sarwar, R., Sun, B., Xu, Z., Han, J., Chen, J., Qin, H. and Xu, J., 2018. Underwater wireless optical communication using an arrayed transmitter/receiver and optical superimposition-based PAM-4 signal. Optics Express, 26(3), pp.3087-3097.

[9] Kong, M., Sun, B., Sarwar, R., Shen, J., Chen, Y., Qu, F., Han, J., Chen, J., Qin, H. and Xu, J., 2018. Underwater wireless optical communication using a lens-free solar panel receiver. Optics Communications, 426, pp.94-98.

[10] Kong, M., Lv, W., Ali, T., Sarwar, R., Yu, C., Qiu, Y., Qu, F., Xu, Z., Han, J. and Xu, J., 2017. 10-m 9.51-Gb/s RGB laser diodes-based WDM underwater wireless optical communication. Optics Express, 25(17), pp.20829-20834.

[11] Kong, M., Wang, J., Chen, Y., Ali, T., Sarwar, R., Qiu, Y., Wang, S., Han, J. and Xu, J., 2017. Security weaknesses of underwater wireless optical communication. Optics Express, 25(18), pp.21509-21518.

[12] (Invited) Ooi, B.S., Kong, M. and Ng, T.K., 2020. Underwater wireless optical communications: Opportunity, challenges and future prospects commentary on Recent progress in and perspectives of underwater wireless optical communication. Progress in Quantum Electronics, 73, pp.100275.

[13] Xu, J., Kong, M., Lin, A., Song, Y., Han, J., Xu, Z., Wu, B., Gao, S. and Deng, N., 2017. Directly modulated green-light diode-pumped solid-state laser for underwater wireless optical communication. Optics Letters, 42(9), pp.1664-1667.

[14] Xu, J., Kong, M., Lin, A., Song, Y., Yu, X., Qu, F., Han, J. and Deng, N., 2016. OFDM-based broadband underwater wireless optical communication system using a compact blue LED. Optics Communications, 369, pp.100-105.

[15] Guo, Y., Kong, M., Sait, M., Marie, S., Alkhazragi, O., Ng, T. K., and Ooi, B. S., 2022. Compact scintillating-fiber/450-nm-laser transceiver for full-duplex underwater wireless optical communication system under turbulence. Optics Express, 30(1), 53-69.

[16] Guo, Y., Kong, M., Alkhazragi, O., Sun, X., Sait, M., Ng, T.K. and Ooi, B.S., 2020. Diffused-line-of-sight communication for mobile and fixed underwater nodes. IEEEPhotonics Journal.

[17] Sun, X., Kong, M., Telegenov, K, Ouhssain, M., Sait, M., Guo, Y., Alkhazragi, O., Jones, B.H., Shamma, J.S., Ng, T.K. and Ooi, B.S., 2020. Field demonstrations of wide-beam optical communication through water–air interface.IEEE Access, 8, pp.160480-160489.

[18] Sun, X., Kong, M., Alkhazragi, O., Shen, C., Ooi, E.N., Zhang, X., Buttner, U., Ng, T.K. and Ooi, B.S., 2020. Non-line-of-sight methodology for high-speed wireless optical communication in highly turbid water. Optics Communications, pp.125264.

[19] Sun, X., Kong, M., Shen, C., Kang, C.H., Ng, T.K. and Ooi, B.S., 2019. On the realization of across wavy water-air-interface diffuse-line-of-sight communication based on an ultraviolet emitter. Optics Express, 27(14), pp.19635-19649.

[20] Chen, Y., Kong, M., Ali, T., Wang, J., Sarwar, R., Han, J., Guo, C., Sun, B., Deng, N. and Xu, J., 2017. 26 m/5.5 Gbps air-water optical wireless communication based on an OFDM-modulated 520-nm laser diode. Optics Express, 25(13), pp.14760-14765.

[21] Xu, J., Sun, B., Kong, M., Lin, A., Sarwar, R., Han, J., Zhang, W. and Deng, N., 2017. Underwater wireless optical communication using a blue-light leaky feeder. Optics Communications, 397, pp.51-54.

[22] Alkhazragi, O., Kang, C.H., Kong, M., Liu, G., Lee, C., Li, K.H., Zhang, H., Wagstaff, J.M., Alhawaj, F., Ng, T.K. and Speck, J.S., 2020. 7.4-Gbit/s visible-light communication utilizing wavelength-selective semipolar micro-photodetector. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 32(13), pp.767-770.

[23] Sun, X., Kang, C.H., Kong, M., Alkhazragi, O., Guo, Y., Ouhssain, M., Weng, Y., Jones, B.H., Ng, T.K. and Ooi, B.S., 2020. A review on practical considerations and solutions in underwater wireless optical communication. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 38(2), pp.421-431.

[24] Xu, J., Sun, B., Lyu, W., Kong, M., Sarwar, R., Han, J., Zhang, W. and Deng, N., 2017. Underwater fiber–wireless communication with a passive front end. Optics Communications, 402, pp.260-264.

[25] Xu, J., Lin, A., Yu, X., Kong, M., Song, Y., Qu, F., Han, J., Jia, W. and Deng, N., 2016. High-speed underwater wireless optical communication using a compact OFDM-modulated green laser diode. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 28(20), pp.2133-2136.

[26] Sait, M., Guo, Y., Alkhazragi, O., Kong, M., Ng, T. K., & Ooi, B. S., 2021. The impact of vertical salinity gradient on non-line-of-sight underwater optical wireless communication. IEEE Photonics Journal, 13(6), 1-9.

[27] Tankimanova, A., Kang, C.H., Alkhazragi, O., Tang, H., Kong, M., Sinatra, L., Lutfullin, M., Li, D., Ding, S., Xu, B. and Bakr, O., 2021. Colloidal PbS quantum dots for visible-to-near-infrared optical-internet-of-things. IEEE Photonics Journal.

[28] Kang, C.H., Dursun, I., Liu, G., Sinatra, L., Sun, X., Kong, M., Pan, J., Maity, P., Ooi, E.N., Ng, T.K. and Mohammed, O.F., 2019. High-speed colour-converting photodetector with all-inorganic CsPbBr 3 perovskite nanocrystals for ultraviolet light communication. Light: Science & Applications, 8(1), pp.1-12.

[29] Kang, C.H., Alkhazragi, O., Sinatra, L., Alshaibani, S., Wang, Y., Li, K.H., Kong, M., Lutfullin, M., Bakr, O.M., Ng, T.K. and Ooi, B.S., 2022. All-inorganic halide-perovskite polymer-fiber-photodetector for high-speed optical wireless communication. Optics Express, 30(6), pp.9823-9840.

[30] Shen, J., Wang, J., Chen, X., Zhang, C., Kong, M., Tong, Z. and Xu, J., 2018. Towards power-efficient long-reach underwater wireless optical communication using a multi-pixel photon counter. Optics Express, 26(18), pp.23565-23571.

[31] Sait, M., Sun, X., Alkhazragi, O., Alfaraj, N., Kong, M., Ng, T.K. and Ooi, B.S., 2019. The effect of turbulence on NLOS underwater wireless optical communication channels. Chinese Optics Letters, 17(10), p.100013.

[32] Xu, J., Song, Y., Yu, X., Lin, A., Kong, M., Han, J. and Deng, N., 2016. Underwater wireless transmission of high-speed QAM-OFDM signals using a compact red-light laser. Optics Express, 24(8), pp.8097-8109.

[33] Xu, J., Lin, A., Yu, X., Song, Y., Kong, M., Qu, F., Han, J., Jia, W. and Deng, N., 2016. Underwater laser communication using an OFDM-modulated 520-nm laser diode. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 28(20), pp.2133-2136.



[1] (Invited) Kong, M., Yuan H., Yang Q., Ng, T.K. and Ooi, B.S., 2022. Optical wireless communication-based 2K real-time video surveillance system for future underwater visual monitoring. SPIE.

[2] Kong, M., Guo, Y., Sait, M., Alkhazragi, O., Kang, C.H., Ng, T.K. and Ooi, B.S., 2022, March. Underwater optical wireless sensor network for real-time underwater environmental monitoring. SPIE.

[3] (Invited) Kong, M., Holguin-Lerma, J.A., C.H., Kang, Alatawi, A.A., Ng, T.K. and Ooi, B.S., 2021, September. Superluminescent diodes and lasers-based visible light communication and lighting: opportunities and challenges. Congress of the International Commission for Optics (ICO) and Conference of International Society on Optics Within Life Sciences (OWLS).

[4] (Invited) Kong, M., Holguin-Lerma, J.A., Alatawi, A.A., C.H., Kang, Ng, T.K. and Ooi, B.S., 2021, June. Laser and superluminescent diodes for lighting and visible light communications. 12th International Conference on Optics-photonics Design & Fabrication (ODF'20).

[5] Kong, M., Holguin-Lerma, J.A., Alkhazragi, O., Sun, X., Ng, T.K. and Ooi, B.S., 2020, March. 10-Gbit/s Sky-blue distributed feedback laser diode-based visible light communication. In Optical Fiber Communication Conference (pp. T3C-3). Optical Society of America. (EI Index, 该会议论文目前被Compound Semiconductor Magazine邀请写了一篇Feature,题目为 Lasers: Accelerating visible light communication “GaN-based single-mode lasers get ready to revolutionise communication”)

[6] Kong, M., Chen, Y., Sarwar, R., Sun, B., Cong, B. and Xu, J., 2017, August. Optical superimposition-based PAM-4 signal generation for visible light communication. In 2017 16th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN) (pp. 1-3). IEEE.

[7] Kong, M., Tong, Z., Yu, X., Song, Y., Lin, A. and Xu, J., 2016. Airborne wireless optical communication system in low altitude using an unmanned aerial vehicle and LEDs. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 679, No. 1, p. 012031). IOP Publishing.

[8] Guo, Y., Marie, S., Kong, M., Sait, M. and Ng, T.K., and Ooi, B.S., 2022, March. Underwater turbulence on scintillating-fiber based omnidirectional underwater wireless optical communication system. In Proc. of SPIE Vol (Vol. 12028, pp. 120280D-1).

[9] Kang, C.H., Alkhazragi, O., Sinatra, L., Kong, M., Maity, P., Ng, T.K., Mohammed, O.F., Bakr, O.M. and Ooi, B.S, 2021, March. Enhanced color-conversion photodetection method based on metal halide perovskite nanocrystals for diffuse ultraviolet-C solar-blind communication. SPIE Photonics West 2021.

[10] Kang, C. H., Alkhazragi, O., Sinatra, L., Alshaibani, S., Li, K. H., Kong, M., Lutfullin M., Bakr O. M., Ng, T.K., and Ooi, B. S. 2021. All-inorganic halide-perovskite-polymer luminescent fibers for high-bitrate ultraviolet free-space optical communication. In 2021 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) (pp. 1-2). IEEE.

[11] (Invited) Stegenburgs, E., Bertoncini, A., Hulguin-Lerma, J.A., Kong, M., Trichili, A., Alkhazragi, O., Sun, X., Alias, M.S., Ng, T.K., Alouini, M., Liberale, C. and Ooi, B.S., 2020, December. Single-frequency visible laser and vertical cavity surface emitting OAM laser for optical wireless communication. Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference (OPTIC).

[12] Hu, F., Holguin-Lerma, J.A., Mao, Y., Shen, C., Sun, X., Kong, M., Ng, T.K., Ooi, B.S. and Chi, N., 2020, January. 3.8-Gbit/s visible light communication (VLC) based on 443-nm superluminescent diode and bit-loading discrete-multiple-tone (DMT) modulation scheme. In Broadband Access Communication Technologies XIV (Vol. 11307, p. 113070H). International Society for Optics and Photonics.

[13] Kang, C.H., Dursun, I., Liu, G., Sinatra, L., Sun, X., Kong, M., Pan, J., Maity, P., Ooi, E.N., Ng, T.K. and Mohammed, O.F., 2019, November. High-speed ultraviolet-C photodetector based on frequency down-converting CsPbBr 3 perovskite nanocrystals on silicon platform. In 2019 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) (pp. 1-2). IEEE.

[14] Yu, C., Kong, M., Sun, B. and Xu, J., 2017, October. Underwater wireless optical communication: A review. In 2017 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC Workshops) (pp. 1-2). IEEE.

[15] Sarwar, R., Sun, B., Kong, M. (通讯作者), Ali, T., Yu, C., Cong, B. and Xu, J., 2017, August. Visible light communication using a solar-panel receiver. In 2017 16th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN) (pp. 1-3). IEEE.

[16] Xu, J., Zhang, C., Kong, M. (通讯作者), Sun, B., Wang, J. and Cong, B., 2017, On the characteristicsof a directly-modulated green-light diode pump solid state laser. In 2017 16th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN) IEEE.

[17] Xu, J., Yu, X., Kong, M., Sun, B., Han, J. and Deng, N., 2016, November. Towards broadband long-reach underwater wireless optical communication. In 2016 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP)(pp. 1-3). IEEE.

[18] Lin, A., Tong, Z., Song, Y., Kong, M. and Xu, J., 2016. Underwater wireless optical communication system using blue LEDs. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 679, No. 1, p. 012032). IOP Publishing.

[19] Song, Y., Tong, Z., Cong, B., Yu, X., Kong, M. and Lin, A., 2016. A combined radio and underwater wireless optical communication system based on buoys. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 679, No. 1, p. 012030). IOP Publishing.



[1] 徐敬、孔美巍、林奥博、宋宇航、徐翔宇、韩军。基于直接调制DPSSL的无线光通信装置及其方法,授权公告号:CN 1063300329 B。

[2] 徐敬、孔美巍、吴景盈、吕伟超、余楚盈。一种基于波分复用技术的水下无线光通信装置及方法,公开号:CN107302401A。

[3] Kong, M., Ooi, B.S. and Ng, T.K., Fully energy-autonomous optical wireless communication system using switchable hybrid photoreceiver, US 63/023,454, May 12, 2020, PENDING, UNITED STATES.

[4] Kong, M., Ooi, B.S. and Ng, T.K., Underwater wireless sensor network and method based on optical wireless communication technology, US 63/023,458, May 12, 2020, PENDING, UNITED STATES.

[5] Kong, M., Ooi, B.S and Ng, T.K., Real-time digital video transmission system and method based on industrial Ethernet and optical wireless communication technology for coal mine monitoring, US 63/027,244, May 19, 2020, PENDING, UNITED STATES.

[6] Ooi, B.S, Ng, T.K., Kang, C., Kong, M., Guo, Y, Omnidirectional data and energy harvesting in underwater wireless optical communication, US 63/173,152, April 9, 2021, PENDING, UNITED STATES.




