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1.Hu, P.P.,Yang F.L*., Li, S.Z, et al., (2022).Opposite thrust systems under the Subei-South Yellow Sea Basin: A synthesis on the closure of the eastern Tethyan Ocean. Earth-Science Reviews 104075.

2.Hu, P.P., Yang, F.L*., Zhang, R.C., et al., (2022).Cenozoic extension to strike-slip transition in the Liaodong Bay Subbasin along the Tan-Lu Fault Zone, Bohai Bay Basin: New insights from stress field modelling.Tectonophysics 822, 229163.

3.Hu, P.P., Yang, X. D., Yang, F.L*., et al., (2022). Seismogenic Structure and tectonic mechanism of the 2021 Mw 5.0 Yancheng earthquake in the South Yellow Sea Basin, East Asia. Seismological Research Letters 1-25.doi: 10.1785/0220220163.

4.Hu, P.P., Yang, F.L*., Tian, L.X., et al., (2019). Stress field modelling of the Late Oligocene tectonic inversion in the Liaodong Bay Subbasin, Bohai Bay Basin (northern China): Implications for geodynamics and petroleum accumulation. Journal of Geodynamics 126, 32-45.

5.Hu, P.P., Yang F.L*., Wang, W., et al., (2018). Thermal anomaly profiles inferred from fluid inclusions near extensional and strike-slip faults of the Liaodong Bay Subbasin, Bohai Bay Basin, China: Implications for fluid flow and the petroleum system. Marine and Petroleum Geology 93: 520-538..

6.Yang, F.L*., Hu, P.P*., Zhou, X. H., et al., (2020). The Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Strike‐Slip Faults in the Subei‐South Yellow Sea Basin, Eastern China: Constraints From Seismic Data.Tectonics 39, e2020TC006091.

7.Zhang, R., Yang, F.L*., Hu, P.P., et al., (2021). Cenozoic tectonic inversion in the Northern Depression, South Yellow Sea Basin, East Asia: Structural styles and driving mechanism. Tectonophysics, 798, 228687.
