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2: 澳大利亚东南缘Gippsland盆地和Bass海底峡谷三维海底地貌图






意向招收2025年秋季入学的研究生、博士生各一名,请感兴趣的同学通过我的邮箱: nanwu@tongji.edu.cn




Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ZK1JPrQAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN

Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nan-Wu-17

Twitter: @Pumpkin_nanw

微博: @可爱的地质学


(1) Nan Wu*, Jackson C A L, Hodgson D, et al. How do ancient mass-transport complexes influence subsequent failure events? A case study from the Kangaroo Syncline, offshore NW Australia[J]. 2024. https://eartharxiv.org/repository/view/7082/

(2) Nan Wu*, Zhong G, Niyazi Y, et al. Transformation of dense shelf water cascade into turbidity currents: Insights from high-resolution geophysical datasets[J]. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2024, 626: 118547.

(3) Nan Wu*, Niyazi, Y., Steventon, M., & Nugraha, H. D. (2023). Complex seabed geomorphology shaped by various oceanographic processes: a case study from the Gippsland Basin, offshore south-eastern Australia. EarthArXiv (https://eartharxiv.org/repository/view/5239/);

(4) Nan Wu*, Jackson C A L, Clare M A, et al. Diagenetic priming of submarine landslides in ooze-rich substrates[J]. Geology, 2023, 51(1): 85-90.

(5) Nan Wu*; Harya D. Nugraha; Guangfa Zhong; Michael J. Steventon; The role of mass-transport complexes in the initiation and evolution of submarine canyons, Sedimentology, 2022

(6) Nan Wu*; Harya D. Nugraha; Michael Steventon; Guangfa Zhong; How do tectonics influence the initiation and evolution of submarine canyons? A case study from the Otway Basin, SE Australia, Journal of the Geological Society (JGS), 2022

(7) Nan Wu*; Christopher A-L. Jackson; Howard D. Johnson; David M. Hodgson; Lithological, petrophysical and seal properties of mass-transport complexes (MTCs), northern Gulf of Mexico, AAPG Bulletin, 2021, 105(7): 1461-1489

(8) Nan Wu*; Christopher A.‐L. Jackson; Howard D. Johnson; David M. Hodgson; Michael A. Clare; Harya D. Nugraha; Wei Li; The formation and implications of giant blocks and fluid escape structures in submarine lateral spreads, Basin Research, 2021, 33(3): 1711-1730

(9) Nan Wu*; Christopher A.‐L. Jackson; Howard D. Johnson; David M. Hodgson; Harya D. Nugraha; Mass‐transport complexes (MTCs) document subsidence patterns in a northern Gulf of Mexico saltminibasin, Basin Research, 2020, 32(6): 1300-1327

(10) Nan Wu*; Multi-scale, multidisciplinary analysis of mass-transport complex (MTC) emplacement and structure. Dissertation. Imperial College London, 2020.

(11) Zhang Y, Wu N, Qin X, et al. Potential triggers and development processes of submarine landslides in the Xisha Trough Basin,

South China Sea[J]. Geomorphology, 2024, 448: 109022.

(12) Guo, X., Han, F., Liu, Y., Wu, N. *, Zhang, C., & Zhang, N. (2024). Methods and advances in marine geology and hydrodynamics

environment. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11, 1362605.

(13) Jackson, C. A. L., Nugraha, H., Steventon, M., Wu, Nan, Johnson, H., Hodgson, D., & Clare, M. A. (2020, December). Kinematics and structure of submarine landslides; recent learnings from 3D seismic reflection data. In AGU Fall Meeting 2020. AGU.

(14) Dang, W., Zhang, J., Nie, H., Wang, F., Tang, X., Wu, N., ... & Wang, R. (2020). Isotherms, thermodynamics and kinetics of methane-shale adsorption pair under supercritical condition: Implications for understanding the nature of shale gas adsorption process. Chemical Engineering Journal, 383, 123191.

(15) Peng, H., Wang, J., Liu, C., Zhang, S., Zattin, M., Wu, N., & Feng, Q. (2019). Thermochronological constraints on the Meso-Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Haiyuan-Liupanshan region, northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 183, 103966.

(16)李艳, 吴南*, 胡守祥, 赵芳, 詹文欢. 南海白云凹陷东南部两种不同类型块体搬运沉积体系的地震响应及成因分析[J]. 热带海洋学报, 2021, 40(5): 85-100.

(17)张云山,吴南,贾永刚,尉建功. 海底滑坡典型特征及石油地质学意义[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,2023,43(1):94-104. doi: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2022052001

(18)吴南*, 陈开远, 徐晓峰, 王婷婷, 王飞, 杨奇. 乌审旗地区苏75井区盒8段沉积相及其展布特征[J]. 西安石油大学学报: 自然科学版, 2015, 30(1): 23-29.



1.鄂尔多斯盆地延长组沉积斜坡古地貌特征研究;低渗透油气田勘探开发国家工程实验室(KFKT2024-05);33万 在研

2.使用大洋钻探数据揭示地震活动与海底滑坡触发间的响应机理;海洋地质国家重点实验室探索课题(MGZ202303);25万元 在研;

3.基于大洋钻探数据揭示南海北部海底滑坡及伴生海啸的致灾机理;上海市面上课题(23ZR1467800);20万元 在研;

4.钙质软泥滑坡触发机理及伴生海啸灾害预防研究;上海市扬帆计划专项课题(22YF1450100);20万元 在研;

