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1. 国家自然科学基金, 重点项目, 42030504, 南海浮游生态系统对上新世暖期气候的响应及其机制研究, 2021-2025, 主持

2.国家自然科学基金, 面上项目, 41676030, 运用叶蜡脂肪酸C-14研究粤西近岸沉积物的来源与运移过程, 2017-2020, 主持

3.科技部, 重点研发项目子课题, 2016YFA0601100, 末次冰消期以来碳氮循环与全球变化的关系研究, 2016-2021, 参加

4.国家自然科学基金, 面上项目, 41276072, 微生物四醚类脂物在南海北部沿海的地球化学特征与环境意义, 2013-2016, 主持

5.中国科学院, 先导专项子课题, XDB03020101, 青藏高原同位素高度计重建与古高度估算, 2012-2017, 主持

6.NSFC/RGC联合项目, 41061160498, 伶仃洋及邻近海域与富营养化和水体缺氧有关的一些生物地球化学过程及其沉积记录, 2011-2013, 主持

7.中国科学院, 先导专项子课题, XDA05080404, 湖光岩玛珥湖记录的过去2000年气候变化, 2011-2015, 参加

8.国家自然科学基金面上项目, 40976034, 北太平洋晚新生代风尘沉积中陆地植被变迁的有机地球化学记录, 2010-2012, 主持

9.科技部,“973”项目子课题, 2009CB421206, 海洋酸化历史与现状评估, 2009-2013, 参加

10.国家自然科学基金面上项目, 40876028, 南海晚第四纪古海洋氮同位素演变机理研究, 2009-2011, 主持



1. Wei B., Mollenhauer G.*, Hefter J., Kusch S., Grotheer H., Schefuß E., Jia G.*, 2021. The nature, timescale, and efficiency of riverine export of terrestrial organic carbon in the (sub)tropics: Insights at the molecular level from the Pearl River and adjacent coastal sea. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 565, 116934.
 2. Dong L., Zhang X., Jia G.*, Du Y.*, Li L., Li Q., 2020.  CO2-induced decoupling of tropical surface and thermocline water temperature at the onset of interglacials. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL088805.
 3. Wei B., Jia G.*, Hefter J., Kang M., Park E., Wang S., Mollenhauer G.*, 2020. Comparison of the UK37, LDI, TEXH86, and RI-OH temperature proxies in sediments from the northern shelf of the South China Sea. Biogeosciences, 17, 4489–4508.
 4. Cao J., Duan X., Jin X., Lian E., Yin P., Li L., Jia G.*, 2020. Sedimentary core brGDGTs in the East China Sea are mainly produced in situ as evidenced by their similar distributions with brGDGTs derived from intact polar lipids. Organic Geochemistry, 149, 104095.
 5. Wei B., Mollenhauer G.*, Hefter J., Grotheer H., Jia G.*, 2020. Dispersal and aging of terrigenous organic matter in the Pearl  River Estuary and the northern South China Sea Shelf. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 282, 324–339.
 6. Cao J., Rao, Z.*, Shi F., Jia G.*, 2020. Ice formation on lake surfaces in winter causes warm-season bias of lacustrine brGDGT temperature estimates. Biogeosciences, 17, 2521–2536.
 7. Xu S.*, Zhang Z., Jia G.*, Yu K., Lei F., Zhu X., 2020. Controlling factors and environmental significance of BIT and δ13C of sedimentary GDGTs from the Pearl River Estuary, China over recent decades. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 233, 106534.
 8. Zhang J.*, Yu Z., Jia G.*, 2020. Cyclisation degree of tetramethylated brGDGTs in marine environments and its implication for source identification. Global and Planetary Change, 184, 103043.
 9. He L., Kang M., Jia G.*, 2020. Evaluation of environmental proxies based on long chain alkyl diols in the East China Sea. Organic Geochemistry, 139, 103948.
 10. Kang M., He L., Fan D., Chen J., Jia G.*, 2019. Assessment of sedimentary heterocyst glycolipids as tracers of freshwater input to the Changjiang Estuary and East China Sea. Chemical Geology, 521, 39-48.
 11. Dong L., Li Z., Jia G.*, 2019. Archaeal ammonia oxidation plays a part in late Quaternary nitrogen cycling in the South China Sea. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 509, 38-46.
 12. Li Z., Chen F., Liang H., Jia G.*, 2019. Spatially different responses of nitrogen processing to precipitation during glacial-interglacial cycles on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Global and Planetary Change, 174, 164-171.
 13. Chen F., Lao Q., Jia G.*, Chen C., Zhu Q., Zhou X., 2019. Seasonal variations of nitrate dual isotopes in wet deposition in a tropical city in China. Atmospheric Environment, 196, 1-9.
 14. Ye F.*, Guo W., Wei G., Jia G.*, 2018. The sources and transformations of dissolved organic matter in the Pearl River Estuary, China, as revealed by stable isotopes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, 6893-6908.
 15. Dong L., Jia G.*, Li Q., Li L., Shi J., Zhang C.L., 2018. Intact polar glycosidic GDGTs in sediments settle from water column as evidenced from downcore sediment records. Chemical Geology, 501, 12-18.
 16. Deng L., Jia G.*, 2018. High-relief topography of the Nima basin in central Tibetan Plateau during the mid-Cenozoic time. Chemical Geology, 493, 199-209.
 17. Zhu X., Jia G.*, Mao S., Yan W., 2018. Sediment records of long chain alkyl diols in an upwelling area of the coastal northern South China Sea. Organic Geochemistry, 121 1-9.
 18. Zhang J., Jia G.*, Guo W., Wang X., Lei F., 2017. Isoprenoid tetraether lipids in suspended particulate matter from the East China Sea and implication for sedimentary records. Organic Geochemistry, 114, 81-90.
 19. Jia G., Wang X., Guo W., Dong L., 2017. Seasonal distribution of archaeal lipids in surface water and its constraint on their sources and the TEX86 temperature proxy in sediments of the South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 122, 592-606.
 20. Deng L., Jia G.*, Jin C., Li S., 2016. Warm season bias of branched GDGT temperature estimates causes underestimation of altitudinal lapse rate. Organic Geochemistry, 96 11-17.
 21. Xu S.D., Zhang J., Wang X.X., Jia G.*, 2016. Catchment environmental change over the 20th Century recorded by sedimentary leaf wax n-alkane δ¹³C off the Pearl River estuary. Science China Earth Sciences, 59, 975-980.
 22. Ye F., Jia G.*, Xie L., Wei G., Xu J., 2016. Isotope constraints on seasonal dynamics of dissolved and particulate N in the Pearl River Estuary, south China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121, 8689-8705.
 23. 罗中原,何玲慧,董良,胡邦琦,李清,贾国东. 长链二醇生物标志物对冲绳海槽中晚全新世黑潮变化的指示意义. 第四纪研究, 2021, 41(4): 1012-1020.
 24. 崔子恒,贺娟,贾国东. 末次冰期以来巽他陆架东北部陆坡区正构烷烃分布特征及其古植被意义. 地球科学, 2021, 46(1): 331-340.
 25. 罗中原,李江涛,贾国东. 深水珊瑚的食物及其地球化学意义. 地球科学进展, 2019, 34(12): 1234-1242.
 26. 康曼玉, 贾国东. 固氮蓝细菌的一种生物标志物——异形胞糖脂及其研究进展. 地球科学进展, 2019, 34(9): 901-911.
 27. 王先绪, 贾国东. 东海和黄海沉积物中海洋自生来源对支链四醚类化合物的贡献. 地球化学, 2019, 48(1): 79-87.
 28. 贾国东. 冰期出露的巽他陆架:重要的陆地碳储库? 地球科学进展, 2017, 32(11): 1157-1162.
 29. 郭威, 叶丰, 贾国东. 珠江口表层水体颗粒物中古菌四醚类脂物的分布特征. 海洋学报, 2017, 39(08): 1-15.
 30. 郭威, 叶丰, 连忠廉, 贾国东. 珠江口水体有机碳的季节性变. 热带海洋学报, 2016, 35(04): 40-50.
 31. 许慎栋, 陈文煌, 邓文峰, 贾国东. 南海北部沉积物中浮游有孔虫Globigerinoides ruber壳体氧同位素指示的冬季表层海水温度. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2016, 36(02): 101-107.


