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1. Chen, Q., Zhao, G.C., Sun, M., 2021. Protracted northward drifting of South China during the assembly of Gondwana: Constraints from the spatial-temporal provenance comparison of Neoproterozoic-Cambrian strata. Geological Society of America Bulletin 133, 1947-1963.

2.Liu, P.P., Liang, J., Dick, H.J.B., Li, X.H., Chen, Q., Zuo, H.Y., Wu, J.C., 2020. Enormous Lithium Isotopic Variations of Abyssal Peridotites Reveal Fast Cooling and Melt/Fluid-Rock Interactions. JGR Soild Earth 125 (9), 1-18.

3.Chen, Q., Sun, M., Zhao, G.C., Zhao, J.H., Zhu, W.L., Long, X.P., Wang, J., 2018. Episodic crustal growth and reworking of the Yudongzi terrane, South China: Constraints from the Archean TTGs and potassic granites and Paleoproterozoic amphibolites. Lithos 326-327, 1-18.

4.Chen, Q., Sun, M., Long, X.P., Zhao, G.C., Wang, J., Yu, Y., Yuan, C., 2018. Provenance study for the Paleozoic sedimentary rocks from the west Yangtze Block: Constraint on possible link of South China to the Gondwana supercontinent reconstruction. Precambrian Research 309, 271-289.

5.Chen, Q., Sun, M., Zhao, G.C., Yang, F.L., Li, J.H., Long, X.P., Wang, J., Yu, Y., 2017. Origin of mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) and their host granitoids from the Tagong pluton in Songpan-Ganze terrane: an igneous response to the closure of Paleo-Tethys ocean Lithos 290-291, 1-17.

6.Chen, Q., Sun, M., Long, X.P., Zhao, G.C., Yuan, C., 2016. U-Pb ages and Hf isotopic record of zircons from the late Neoproterozoic and Silurian-Devonian sedimentary rocks of the western Yangtze Block: Implications for its tectonic evolution and continental affinity. Gondwana Research 31, 184-199.

7.Chen, Q., Sun, M., Long, X.P., Yuan, C., 2015. Petrogenesis of Neoproterozoic adakitic tonalites and high-K granites in the eastern Songpan-Ganze Fold Belt and implications for the tectonic evolution of the western Yangtze Block. Precambrian Research 270, 181-203.
