


cli @ tongji.edu.cn


  • 教育背景

    2009.09-2010.09:University of British Columbia联合培养


    2006.10-2007.09:University of Bremen联合培养



  • 工作经历


    2015.06-2015.11:澳大利亚昆士兰大学Radiogenic Isotope Facility实验室,访问学者



  • 教学与科研成果



    2. 晚第四纪以来不同时间尺度下中国东部环境演化的规律,自然及人类活动的双重驱动。








    6.国家自然科学基金青年项目(项目批准号:41306040):探索沉积物源汇过程的时间尺度-利用234U/238U 估算长江和台湾河流沉积物的搬运时间 (2014.01-2016.12,经费:27万),负责人





    Yao, J. H., Xiao, L. X., Gou, M. M., Li, C.*, Lian, E. G., Yang, S. Y., 2017. Pacific Decadal Oscillation Impact on East China Precipitation and its Imprint in New Geological Documents, SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, doi: 10.1360/N072016-00380. (SCI)

    Li, C., Yang, S.*, Lian, E., Wang, Q., Fan, D., Huang, X., 2017. Chemical speciation of iron in sediments from the Changjiang Estuary and East China Sea: iron cycle and paleoenvironmental implications. Quaternary International, 452: 116-128.

    Li, C.*, Yang, S.*, Zhao, J.X., Dosseto, A., Bi, L., Clark, T. R., 2016. The time scale of river sediment source-to-sink processes in East Asia, Chemical Geology, 446: 138-146.

    Li, C., Francois, R.*, Yang, S. Y.*, Barling, J., Darfeuil, S., Weis, D., 2016. Climate-related changes in the transport time of lithogenic sediments to the Okinawa Trough (East China Sea). Chemical Geology, 445: 199-207.

    Li, C., Yang, S. Y.*, Lian, E. G., Yang, C. F., Deng, K., Liu, Z. F., 2016. Damming effect on the Changjiang (Yangtze River) water cycle. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 165, 125-133.

    Li, C., Yang, S. Y.*, Bi, L., Zhang, Z. F., 2015. A review of comminution age method and its potential application in the East China Sea to constrain the time scale of sediment source-to-sink transport. Journal of Ocean University of China, 14(3): 399-406.

    Li, C., Yang, S. Y.*, Zhang, W. G., 2012. Magnetic properties of sediments from major rivers, aeolian dust, loess soil and desert in China. Journal of Asian Earth Science. 45, 190-200.

    Li, C. and Yang, S.Y.*, 2010. Is chemical index of alteration (CIA) a reliable proxy for chemical weathering in global drainage basins? American Journal of Science. 310, 111-127.

    王晨羽,连尔刚,杨承帆,邓凯,李超*,杨守业,印萍,2017. 浙闽中小河流及其河口地区水循环的氢氧同位素示踪,海洋地质与第四纪地质,已接收.

    姚嘉惠,肖林翔,苟萌萌,李超*,连尔刚,杨守业,2017. 太平洋年代际振荡对中国东部季风区降水影响的新证据,中国科学:地球科学, doi: 10.1360/N072016-00380

    李超,杨守业,毕磊,赵云,2015. “从源到汇”的时间尺度——根据U系同位素计算海洋沉积物的搬运时间. 海洋地质前沿, 31, 26-31.

    李超, 舒劲松, 许斐, 杨守业, 2013. 沉积物中铁的化学相态研究进展. 地球科学(中国地质大学学报), 3, 454-460. (EI检索)

    李超, 杨守业, 2012. 长江沉积物中赤铁矿和针铁矿的漫反射光谱分析. 地球科学 (中国地质大学学报), 37 , 11-19. (EI检索)


    Deng, K., Yang, S.*,Li, C., Su, N., Bi, L., Chang, Y.-P., Chang, S.-C., 2016. Detrital zircon geochronology of river sands from Taiwan: implications for sedimentary provenance of Taiwan and its source link with the east China mainland. Earth-Science Reviews, 164: 31-47.

    Han, Z.*, Liu, H., Li, C., Li, X., Wang, C., Sun, Y., Liu, B., Zhang, A., 2016. Geochemistry and provenances of core sediments from the Shikoku Basin. Geological Journal, 51: 60-76.

    Deng, K., Yang, S.*, Lian, E., Li, C., Yang, C., Wei, H., 2016. Three Gorges Dam alters the Changjiang (Yangtze) river water cycle in the dry seasons: Evidence from H-O isotopes. Science of the Total Environment, 562: 89-97.

    Dou, Y., Yang, S.*, Shi, X., Clift, P.D., Liu, S., Liu, J., Li, C., Bi, L., Zhao, Y., 2016. Provenance weathering and erosion records in southern Okinawa Trough sediments since 28 ka: Geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic evidences. Chemical Geology, 425: 93-109.

    Yang, S.*, Bi, L., Li, C., Wang, Z., Dou, Y., 2015. Major sinks of the Changjiang (Yangtze River)-derived sediments in the East China Sea during the late Quaternary. The Geological Society of London (a special publication on River-Dominated Shelf Sediments of East Asian Seas). doi:10.1144/SP429.6

    Bi, L., Yang, S.*, Li, C., Guo, Y., Wang, Q., Liu, J.T., Yin, P., 2015. Geochemistry of river-borne clays entering the East China Sea indicates two contrasting types of weathering and sediment transport processes. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems: 16(9). doi: 10.1002/2015GC005867.

    Dou, Y., Yang, S.*, Li, C., Shi, X., Liu, J., Bi, L., 2015. Deepwater redox changes in the southern Okinawa Trough since the last glacial maximum. Progress in Oceanography, 135: 77-90.

    Shao, J., Yang, S.*, Li, C., 2012. Chemical indices (CIA and WIP) as proxies for integrated chemical weathering in China: Inferences from analysis of fluvial sediments. Sedimentary Geology, 265-266, 110-120.

    邓凯, 杨守业, 王中波, 李超, 毕磊, 张永斌, 刘祖乾, 2016. 台湾山溪性小河流碎屑重矿物组成及其示踪意义. 沉积学报(03): 531-542.

    杨承帆,尹观,连尔刚,李超,杨守业,2014. 基于氢氧同位素方法的城市水体蒸发定量估算,上海国土资源,35, 82-85.

    杨守业, 李超, 王中波, 王晓丹, 舒劲松, 2013. 现代长江沉积物地球化学组成的不均一性与物源示踪. 第四纪研究. 33, 645-655.

    许斐, 杨守业, 展望, 李超, 钱鹏, 2011. 三峡水库建设对长江下游颗粒有机碳通量及碳同位素组成的影响. 地球化学. 40, 199-208.

    王中波, 杨守业, 李日辉, 张志珣, 李军, 白凤龙, 李超, 2010. 黄河水系沉积物碎屑矿物组成及沉积动力环境约束. 海洋地质与第四纪地质. 30, 73-85.

    韩宗珠, 李超, 来志庆, 2008. 冲绳海槽中南部浮岩的岩石地球化学特征及其成因. 海洋湖沼通报. 3, 61-66. 




  • 荣誉

    2016.12 bat365在线平台优秀出站博士后(三等奖)

    2012.08 bat365在线平台“优秀博士学位论文”

    2010.11 中国海洋学会第四届青年科学家论坛(厦门)“优秀论文”

    2010.10 bat365在线平台“光华奖学金(博士)”

    2010.07 教育部博士研究生“学术新人奖”

    2009.08 bat365在线平台优秀博士资助

    2006.09 获德国联邦教育与研究部(BMBF)资助赴德国不莱梅大学留学一年

    2005.07 中国海洋大学“优秀本科毕业论文”

    2005.06 中国海洋大学“优秀团员”
