


tianjun @ tongji.edu.cn


  • 教育背景




    28/2/2002—31/03/2002:Université catholique de Louvain Institut d’Astronomie et de Géophysique G. Lemaître Chemin du Cyclotron 2, University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium,访问学生;

    1/11/2003—26/12/2003:Institute for Geosciences, Olshausenstr, Kiel University, Germany,访问学者;

    06/08/2006-02/27/2008:MARUM-Research Centre Ocean Margins, Bremen University, Germany,亚历山大.冯.洪堡学者 (Alexander Von Humboldt Fellowship)

  • 工作经历

    2009—至今: bat365在线平台,教授

    2005—2009: bat365在线平台,副教授

    2003—2005: bat365在线平台,讲师

  • 教学与科研成果























    上海市优秀学术带头人项目-“新近纪南海碳酸盐补偿深度变化及其古气候意义”, 2016/05-2019/04.



    Ma, X.L.*, Tian, J.*, Ma, W.T., Li, K., and Yu, J.M., 2018. Changes of deep Pacific overturning circulation and carbonate chemistry during middle Miocene East Antarctic ice sheet expansion. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 484:253–263.

    Tian, J.*, Ma, X.L., Zhou, J.H., and Wang, W.J., 2017. Subsidence of the northern South China Sea and formation of the Bashi Strait in the latest Miocene: paleoceanographic evidences from 9-Myr high resolution benthic foraminiferal d18O and d13C records. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 466: 382–391, PALAEO8076.

    Huang, Enqing, Tian, J., Qiao, P.J., Wan, S., Xie, X., and Yang, W.G., 2015. Early interglacial carbonate-dilution events in the South China Sea: Implication for strengthened typhoon activities over subtropical East Asia. Quaternary Science Reviews,125:61-77.

    Huang, Enqing, Tian, J., and Liu, JingJing, 2015. Dynamics of the Australian–Indonesian monsoon across Termination II: Implications of molecular-biomarker reconstructions from the Timor Sea. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol., 423:32–43.

    Tian, J.*, Wentao Ma, Mitchell Lyle, Julia Shackford, 2014. Synchronous mid-Miocene upper and deep oceanic d13C changes in the east equatorial Pacific linked to ocean cooling and ice sheet expansion. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 406:72-80.

    Ma,W.T., Chai, F., Xiu, P., Xue, H.J., and Tian, J., 2014. Simulation of export production and biological pump structure in the South China Sea. Geo-Marine Letters, DOI 10.1007/s00367-014-0384-0.

    Ma, W.T., and Tian, J., 2014. Modeling the contribution of dissolved organic carbon to carbon sequestration during the last glacial maximum. Geo-Mar Lett, 34:471-482.

    Ma, W.T., Fei Chai, Peng Xiu, Huijie Xue, and Jun Tian, 2013.Modeling the long-term variability of phytoplankton functional groups and primary productivity in the South China Sea. Journal of Oceanography, 69:527-544.

    Tian, J.*, 2013. Coherent variations of the obliquity components in global ice volume and ocean carbon reservoir over the past 5 Ma. Science China Earth Sciences, 56(12):2160-2172.

    Tian, J.*, M. Yang, M. W. Lyle, R. Wilkens, and J. K. Shackford, 2013. Obliquity and long eccentricity pacing of the Middle Miocene climate transition, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 14, 1740–1755, doi:10.1002/ggge.20108.

    Huang Enqing* and Tian Jun*, 2012. Sea-level rises at Heinrich stadials of early Marine Isotope Stage 3: Evidence of terrigenous n-alkane input in the southern South China Sea. Global and Planetary Change, 94-95:1-12.

    Tian, J.*, X. Xie, W. Ma, H. Jin, and P. Wang, 2011. X-ray fluorescence core scanning records of chemical weathering and monsoon evolution over the past 5 Myr in the southern South China Sea, Paleoceanography, 26, PA4202, doi:10.1029/2010PA002045.

    Ma Wentao, Tian Jun, Li Qianyu and Wang Pinxian, 2011. Simulation of long eccentricity (400‐kyr) cycle in ocean carbon reservoir during Miocene Climate Optimum: Weathering and nutrient response to orbital change. Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L10701, doi:10.1029/2011GL047680.

    Huang Enqing*, Tian Jun*, Steinke S., 2011. Millennial-scale dynamics of the winter cold tongue in the southern South China Sea over the past 26 ka and the East Asian winter monsoon. Quat. Res., 75:196–204.

    Tian C.C., and Tian Jun*, 2010. Warming magnitude of Indonesian Throughflow during the penultimate deglaciation (Termination II) and its relationship with climate change in high-latitude regions. Chinese Science Bulletin, 55 (32): 3709-3717.

    Tian J.*, Enqing Huang, Dorothy K.Pak, 2010. East Asian winter monsoon variability over the last glacial cycle: Insights from a latitudinal sea-surface temperature gradient across the South China Sea. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol., 292:319–324

    Wang P., Tian J., Lourens L. (2010): Obscuring of long eccentricity cyclicity in Pleistocene oceanic carbon isotope records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 290:319-330.

    Ma W.*, Tian J.*, and Li Q., 2010. Astronomically modulated late Pliocene equatorial Pacific climate transition and Northern Hemisphere ice sheet expansion. Chinese Science Bulletin, 55(2):212-220.

    Tian J.*, Amelia Shevenell , Pinxian Wang, Quanhong Zhao, Qianyu Li, Xinrong Cheng, 2009. Reorganization of Pacific Deep Waters linked to middle Miocene Antarctic cryosphere expansion: A perspective from the South China. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 284:375-382.

    Tian J.*, Quanhong Zhao, Pinxian Wang, Qianyu Li, Xinrong Cheng, 2008. Astronomically modulated Neogene sediment records from the South China Sea, Paleoceanography, 23, PA3210, doi:10.1029/2007PA001552.

    Huang E.*, Tian J.*, 2008. Melt-Water-Pulse (MWP) events and abrupt climate change of the last deglaciation. Chinese Science Bulletin. 53(18), 2867-2878.

    Tian J.*, Dorothy K. Pak., P.X. Wang, David Lea, Xinrong Cheng, Quanhong, Zhao (2006): Late Pliocene Monsoon Linkage in the Tropical South China Sea, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 252, 72-81.

    Tian J.*, P. Wang, R. Chen, and X. Cheng, 2005. Quaternary upper ocean thermal gradient variations in the South China Sea: Implications for east Asian monsoon climate. Paleoceanography, 20, PA4007, doi:10.1029/2004PA001115.

    Tian J.*, Wang Pinxian, Cheng Xinrong, Wang Rujian, Sun Xiangjun, 2005. Forcing mechanism of the Pleistocene east Asian monsoon variations in a phase perspective. Science in China (D), 48(10), 1708-1717.

    Wehausen R., Tian J., Hans-Jürgen Brumsack et al., 2005. Geochemistry of Pliocene sediments from ODP Site 1143 (southern South China Sea). Proc. ODP, Sci. Results 184: College Station, TX. (Ocean Drillin Program).

    Tian J.*, Wang Pinxian, Cheng Xinrong, 2004. Responses of foraminiferal isotopic variations at ODP Site 1143 in the southern South China Sea to orbital forcing. Science in China (D) 47(10), 943-953.

    Tian J.*, Wang Pinxian, Cheng Xinrong, 2004. Pleistocene Precession forcing of the upper ocean structure variations in the southern South China Sea. Progress in Natural Science 14(11), 1004-1009.

    Tian J.*, Wang Pinxian, Cheng Xinrong, 2004. Time-frequency variations of the Plio-Pleistocene foraminiferal isotopes: A case study from the southern South China Sea. Earth Sciences-Journal of China University of Geosciences 15(3), 283-289.

    Wang P., Tian, J., Xinrong Cheng, Chuanlian Liu, and Jian Xu, 2004. Major Pleistocene stages in a carbon perspective: The South China Sea record and its global comparison. Paleoceanography 19, doi:10.1029/2003PA000991, PA4005 1-16.

    Tian J.*, Wang P.X., Cheng X.R., 2004. Development of the East Asian monsoon and Northern Hemisphere glaciation: oxygen isotope records from the South China Sea. Quaternary Science Reviews, 23:2007-2016.

    Wang P., Tian J., Cheng X., Liu C., Xu J., 2003. Carbon reservoir changes preceded major ice-sheets expansion at the mid-Brunhes event. Geology, 31: 239-242.

    Wang P., Tian J., Cheng X., Liu C., Xu J., 2003. Exploring cyclic changes of the ocean carbon reservoir. Chinese Science Bulletin 48(23): 2536-2548.

    Tian J.*, Wang P.X., Cheng X.R., Li Q.Y., 2002. Astronomically tuned Plio-Pleistocene benthic d18O records from South China Sea and Atlantic-Pacific comparison. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 203: 1015-1029.

    Wang P., Tian J., Cheng X., 2001. Transition of Quaternary glacial cyclicity in deep-sea records at Nansha, South China Sea. Science in China (Ser. D) 44, 926-933.

    田军,拓守廷, 2015. 新十年科学大洋钻探——照亮地球的过去、现在和未来. 自然杂志, 37(4), 239-250.

    马文涛,田军,李前裕, 2011. 晚更新世以来冰盖与大洋碳储库相互作用的箱式模型模拟. 地球科学-中国地质大学学报, 36(4):621-634.


    田翠翠,田军, 2010. 倒数第2 个冰消期印度尼西亚穿越流的增温幅度及其与高纬气候变化的关系.科学通报, 55(30):2944-2952.

    田军,2009,  新生代的气候节律:赤道太平洋IODP320、321航次。地球科学进展,24(12):11-15.

    马文涛,田军,李前裕,2009,晚上新世赤道太平洋气候转型和北极冰盖扩张的轨道驱动。科学通报,54(22): 3537-3545.

    黄恩清,田军,2008,末次冰消期冰融水事件与气候突变. 科学通报, 53(12): 1437-1447.

    黄恩清,田军,2007,早上新世非洲季风与地中海表层生产力变化的岁差节律。地球科学-中国地质大学学报, 32(3):313-321.


    田军,汪品先,成鑫荣,王汝建,孙湘君,2005. 从相位差探讨更新世东亚季风的驱动机制。中国科学D辑-地球科学, 35 (2): 158~166.

    田军,汪品先,成鑫荣,李前裕,2005. 南海ODP1143站上新世至更新世天文年代标尺的建立.地球科学-中国地质大学学报,30(1):31-39.

    田军,汪品先,成鑫荣,李前裕,2005. 南海ODP1148站中中新世(12~18.3 Ma)天文调谐的年代标尺。地球科学-中国地质大学学报,30(5):513-518.

    田军,汪品先,成鑫荣,2004. 南海ODP1143站底栖有孔虫Cibicidoides与Uvigerina稳定氧碳同位素值的均衡试验, 地球科学-中国地质大学学报, 29(1):1-6.

    田军,汪品先,成鑫荣, 2004, 南沙ODP1143站有孔虫同位素变化对地球轨道驱动的响应, 中国科学D辑, 34(5): 452-460.

    田军, 汪品先, 成鑫荣, 2004,更新世南海南部上层海水结构变化的岁差驱动, 自然科学进展, 14(6): 683-688. pdf



    Wang Pinxian, Li Qianyu (Eds), 2009, The South China Sea,参与编写, Springer, ISBN:978-1-4020-9744-7.

    田军,2007,南海ODP1143站有孔虫稳定同位素揭示的上新世至更新世气候变化,bat365在线平台出版社, ISBN:978-7-5608-3402-3.















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