题目: The Effects of Rainfall-runoff on Particulate Organic Carbon Cycling in Salt Marshes
地点: 海洋楼215会议室
时间: 2013年10月11日14:00-15:30
陈思博士, 2013年毕业于美国南卡罗来纳大学海洋与地球科学系,现为南卡大学环境卫生科学系的博士后,主要从事盐沼与海岸带的重金属累积过程和有机碳循环研究,尤其关注人类活动和全球变化引起降雨变化等对上述过程的影响,研究成果已在《Estuaries and Coasts》、《Limnology and Oceanography Fluids & Environments》等刊物发表。
1. Evaluate the effects of low tide rainfall-runoff on salt marsh particulate organic carbon (POC) cycling.
2. Provide a comprehensive evaluation including both the biogeochemical characteristics and the flux of POC introduced by rainfall-runoff processes.
3. Improve the ability to characterize the organic carbon cycling in salt marsh ecosystems.
最后更新 (2013-10-24 17:00)