
2013年9月6日加拿大海洋观测网管理中心Scott McLean主任学术报告通知


题 目:British Columbia Trade Mission on Ocean Observing Systems
报告人:Scott McLean(加拿大海洋观测网管理中心主任)
时 间:2013年9月6日(周五)上午9:45
地 点:海洋楼215会议室

On behalf of the Ocean Networks Canada, the Ocean Technology Alliance Canada and the province of British Columbia, the delegation of key Canadian leaders in the ocean science and technology sector were warmly invited to visit our School of Ocean and Earth Science for the purpose of enhancing mutual understanding and establishing collaborative relationships under the theme of ocean observing systems.

Ocean observing systems represent a portfolio of technologies that provide sustained monitoring of the ocean environment. These technologies include sensor systems, observatory infrastructure, data management and archiving tools, models for prediction and forecasting, and systems for marine spatial planning and marine hazard assessment. Together these systems provide a layering of tools for informed decision making about the complex marine environment. Key areas for potential collaboration between the two sides include climate change, biodiversity, marine hazards, and coastal and port monitoring.

最后更新 (2013-10-24 17:03)
