
2012年7月9日美国德州大学达拉斯分校George A. McMechan教授学术讲座


         2012年7月9日上午9:00,bat365在线平台反射地震组的耿建华教授邀请美国德州大学达拉斯分校的George A. McMechan教授在海洋楼407会议室做了一次学术报告。报告的题目:3-D full-wavefield elastic inversion for anisotropic parameter estimation。


Prof. George A. McMechan 简介:
       Prof. George McMechan serves as director of the Center for Lithospheric Studies at UT Dallas. He holds a bachelor's degree in geological engineering from the University of British Columbia and a master's degree in physics-specifically geophysics-from the University of Toronto. He is an expert in wave field transformations and data processing technology and has authored more than 260 publications. In 1997, McMechan was awarded the Virgil Kauffman Gold Medal for technical achievement by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists. In 2010, he was given the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Outstanding Teaching Award, where he was cited for his dedication to mentoring students. His current projects include velocity analysis algorithms, development of procedures for using nine-component seismic data and cluster computing. Applications include 3D renderings of reservoir analogs, earthquake fault mapping, and engineering and environmental problems.

最后更新 (2012-09-28 10:23)
