
7月12日加州大学Richard Allen教授学术报告


加州大学伯克利分校Richard Allen教授学术报告

1. The destruction of North America by dueling geologic processes
摘要:The western US is an active tectonic region where deformation
extends across a swath more that 1000 km wide.  Using the current
Earthscope geophysical dataset we construct integrated seismic
velocity models for the region constraining the structure of the
crust, lithosphere, asthenosphere, transition zone, and uppermost
lower mantle.  These high resolution models provide information about
the current dismantling of the craton, collapse of the subducting Juan
de Fuca plate, and rise of the Yellowstone plume. In this talk we will
explore how these processes are related to one another.

2. First Jolt: ShakeAlert for the next big earthquake in California
摘要:The last 5 years has seen rapid progress in the science and
technology of rapid earthquake detection and hazard assessment.  The
California Integrated Seismic Network has been developing and testing
a methodology to rapidly detect earthquakes and predicate the
resulting ground shaking to that a few seconds to tens of seconds
warning can be provided.  In this talk I will show examples of
earthquake early warning application around the world and detail the
approach now under testing in California.

报告人:Richard Allen教授(加州大学伯克利分校,伯克利地震实验室副主任)
报告时间:7月12日14:00-15:30 PM


最后更新 (2012-07-13 09:27)
