
3月22日科学应用国际公司Hans Israelsson博士学术讲座


美国科学应用国际公司Hans Israelsson博士学术讲座

主讲人:Dr. Hans Israelsson, Senior scientist at Science Applications International Corp., United States

时间:      2010年3月22日(周一)下午2点

地点:      海洋楼一楼报告厅


The  announced underground nuclear explosions in North Korea, one in 2006 and one in 2009, were widely detected at seismological stations around the world. A number of seismological studies has been carried out on the data recorded from the two explosions analyzing various aspects of seismic verification. We summarize the performance of the International Monitoring System with regard to detection and location of the two explosions. We also review the success of criteria to differentiate the two explosions from earthquakes and from other seismic source types. The criterion based on the amplitude ratio of compressional and shear waves (at high frequencies) recorded at regional distances  (

最后更新 (2012-07-13 09:36)
