
3月19日科学应用国际公司Hans Israelsson博士学术讲座


美国科学应用国际公司Hans Israelsson博士学术讲座

主讲人:Dr. Hans Israelsson, Senior scientist at Science Applications International Corp., United States

时间:       2010年3月19日(周五)下午2点

地点:       海洋楼一楼报告厅



The International Monitoring System (IMS), part of the verification regime of the ban on nuclear explosion testing (Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, CTBT), has been in the process of build up and  of provisional operation for about 10 years. The IMS includes two networks of globally distributed seismological stations and a data center (International Data Center, IDC), where all recorded station data are collected, processed, and analyzed. The IDC processing of station signal detections, formation of events, and event locations is fully automatic and is followed by a manual review. The first results of the automatic processing are distributed to States Parties to the CTBT about two hours after the occurrence of events. Apart from a brief review the processing and analysis procedures at the IDC we also discuss estimates of the current capabilities of the IMS to detect and locate seismic events.

最后更新 (2012-07-13 09:38)
