Welcome to the School of Ocean and Earth Science, Tongji University

Graduation Ceremony Held for Postgraduates of 2014

Graduation Ceremony Held for Postgraduates of 2014

On April 3, postgraduates, their advisors as well as the School’s leadership gathered in the Lecture Hall to participate in the 2014 Graduation Ceremony held for master degree students who graduate in this spring.

Prof. Geng Jianhua, Prof. Jian Zhimin, Prof. Yu Peng and other teachers sent their best wishes to these new graduates, encouraging them to embrace future life with utmost devotion and continue to set their sights on achieving fully their life missions, and to contribute to the country’s marine cause. A student representative Wang Guangyin also gave a speech in which he looked back into life studying and living with his dear classmates, friends and teachers, appreciated what the teachers and the University has taught him, and wished all the graduates and his mother School a prosperous future. School faculties and all the graduates also took a group photo after the ceremony.          


Last Updated (2014-04-15 09:06)