Lecture by Dr. Luc Beaufort from CEREGE, France
In the afternoon of Nov. 29th, 2013, Dr. Luc Beaufort from Center for Research and Teaching of Geosciences and Environment, France (Centre de Recherche et d’Enseignement de Géosciences de l’Environnement, or CEREGE) gave a lecture titling Calcification of Coccolithophorids in a Changing Carbonate Environment for the School’s Friday Seminar series. The lecture, hosted by Prof. Liu Chuanlian, attracted many interested graduate students.
Dr. Luc Beaufort is a world-renowned expert in paleoceanography and paleoenvironment, who has published several articles on international frontier academic journals such as Science and Nature. His main research areas are in low latitude climate change, calcareous nannofossil and coccolith ecology. Dr. Beaufort currently serves as editor of Climate of the Past.
Last Updated (2013-12-16 17:12)