Lecture Speech by Dr. Hans Christian Larsen
Scientific Ocean Drilling: Past and Future
The first Lecture Speech on Friday of the new semester was given on March 8th, 2013 by Dr. Hans Christian Larsen, Vice President of IODP-MI. The speech, titled Scientific Ocean Drilling: Past and Future was hosted by Prof. Tian Jun, and joined by Academician Wang Pinxian and many other school faculties and students.
In the speech, Dr. Larsen elaborated on the new IODP Science Plan for the year 2013 to 2023 from four perspectives: Climate and Ocean Change, Biosphere Frontiers, Deep Processes and Their Impact on Earth’s Surface Environment, Processes and Hazards on Human Time Scales. He also reviewed the achievements made and problems existing in current DSDP, ODP and IODP programs, and looked into the prospects for the new decade of scientific ocean drilling. After the speech, Dr. Larsen also answered questions and had a full discussion with our audience.
Prof. Larsen is a senior expert in Lithospheric Evolution. He has been the Vice President of IODP-MI since 2003, taking charge of program planning work, and has very rich experience in scientific management of IODP.
In 2012, Dr. Hans Christian Larsen started working with Tongji University as a foreign expert from the National High-end Foreign Experts Programs, undertaking the role to enhance international cooperation for IODP-China. He has helped to acquire confirmation from IODP expert panel for IODP-733CPP Proposal of the South China Sea, which will be launched at the beginning of 2014. Also he is helping to form cruise proposals and seek international supports for teams led by Chinese scientists for realizing the third ocean drilling in the South China Sea.

Last Updated (2013-03-13 12:50)