Lecture by NSF Division of Earth Science Acting Director Teofilo Abrajano
A lecture titled "Challenges and Opportunities in the Geosciences: an NSF Perspective” was given in the School of Ocean and Earth Science by Dr. Teofilo Abrajano, acting division director of NSF Division of Earth Science on Jan. 11th, 2013.
Dr. Abrajano first gave a brief introduction of NSF regarding its history and organizational settings, and then explicated with real examples on the importance of earth science researches. He introduced NSF earth science division’s sponsorship for main research domains and some of the public welfare programs it supported. NSF is committed to the promotion of popular science education, trying to engage, inspire and energize the public, and is offering helps to some of the less developed countries in basic scientific researches and infrastructure construction.

Mr. Abrajano also compared current basic research works in the U.S. and China concerning supports for earth science studies. He said that with the enhancement of China’s economic strength, the country has been offering strong supports on its basic scientific researches, and has arisen world attentions for its implementation of “Deep South China Sea” program. At the end of his lecture, Dr. Abrajano said he is looking forward to carrying out more cooperation with Chinese scientists in earth science researches, and had an enthusiastic discussion with local teachers and students.
Last Updated (2013-01-16 09:13)